Future So Bright

Personal Development & Communication

Article posted on July 21, 2012 and it has been read by 6228 people

Communication is an integral part of our personal development. The art of communicating with people is something which needs to be developed with time. In our daily life, whether be it our office or home, it is communication which enables us to perform our duties smoothly. At times miscommunication leads to different problems and troubles. So the first and foremost step for personal development is Communication.


There are many ways of communication or transferring our thoughts and wishes over to others. The person who is motivated to get ahead must understand the principles of good communication.


How Communication Works?

Any method we use to transfer a message, voluntarily or involuntarily, from ourselves to others is a method of communication. Communications may be verbal or it may also be oral. Moreover our facial expressions can also transmit messages of pain or bereavement or happiness or doubt or fear. There is simply no end to the number of ways messages and feelings are communicated from one person to another.




The problems of communicating

The problems of communicating are many. We may wish to convey a certain message, only to be betrayed by our own contradictory facial expression. Or the receiver can also at times misinterpret our message. In short, failure to get the right messages across to the receiver is due to one or both of the following:

  1. Failure of the communicator to send the message properly.
  2. Failure of the interpreter to receive the message properly.


How to communicate

There are certain tested methods of successful communication. They are:

  1. Tell the truth: Do not try to hide the truth or deceive your message in any way.
  2. Get to the main point of talking very straight and direct. Do not try to go in circles.
  3. Always respect the point of view of the receiver even if it differs from your view point. Honest differences are very important in life.
  4. Never criticize the receiver, if he ever misinterprets your message, as criticism will get you nowhere.
  5. No two people are alike. Neither do they have identical background. So do not take people for granted.
  6. The response of the receiver can tell you a great deal about his thoughts and feelings. So always be an active listener and observer.
  7. Ask questions to be certain that the receiver understands your point of view.




Role as a Receiver

The receiver, the person being communicated with, should also make a real effort to understand the message being sent to him. The following will help him do so:

  1. Nothing is important than listening. Thus, he should be an active listener.
  2. Full attention should be laid upon the communicator.
  3. If there is any doubt about any point communicated in the message, then the receiver should be bold enough to ask questions and clear his doubts.
This article was tagged : Communication, Development, Personal
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