Future So Bright

Rider Waite Tarot Reviewed

Article posted on October 30, 2013 and it has been read by 23443 people

Tarot ReadingRider-Waite Tarot deck is one of the oldest decks of tarot cards that have been in use since the time when the tarot cards were first used as a form of divination. The Rider-Waite tarot deck has gained huge popularity in the Western world, where tarot reading and practicing other forms of divination has almost taken a form of obsession.


To be frank, it is quite a difficult task to review a tarot deck like the Rider-Waite. If you ask me the reasons in support of my above statement I will point out the following:


1. The images of the Rider-Waite deck are so well-known that people have started using them as wallpapers and icons to represent the tarot cards in general.


2. This is one of the most hugely circulated tarot decks with an excellent sales record.


3. The Rider-Waite tarot decks is considered to be the foundation stone of tarot card reading and most of the modern day tarot deck publishers design their decks based on the design of this particular deck.




It was the creative idea and the instruction of the famous occultist Arthur E. Waite, followed by the great artist Roberto De Angelis which gave birth to this excellent creation. The Universal Waite deck is considered to be one of the most simple to read and easy to understand decks as compared to all other modern day divination decks. It comprises of: Major Arcana that consists of 22 cards and the Minor Arcana that consists of 56 cards.


Rider Waite Major Arcana TarotSpeak of the tarot cards, and you will find everyone visualizing those large colorful and lively images portrayed by the Rider-Waite tarot decks, no matter whether they know the source or the meaning of those images or not. The Raider-Waite tarot deck provides the learners and amateurs of Tarot with a very useful working deck.


It is believed to be the most appropriate deck for foretune telling studies. Characterized by almost all the required elements of the conventional tarot cards arranged in a completely interesting manner, this tarot deck is considered to be one of the perfect learning tool for the serious learners as well as for the expert tarot card readers.


People across the world highly acknowledge the Rider-Waite deck. The images are large, clear, lively and most importantly easy to understand. Learners of the tarot as well as seasoned readers easily recognize the familiar scenes projected on these decks because of the simple and uncluttered adaptations along with the use of rich and sophisticated colors.


Novices and learners of the subject feel that this particular deck is far more superior to any other tarot decks that are in use today. The art is excellent and the symbolisms are abundant.




Tarot ReadingSeeing the vast circulation rate and the huge popularity of the tarot deck, I personally feel that there is no sign of waning of this ancient tarot decks and it is quite justifiable to be so. Due to its huge sales potential the present publishers of the Rider-Waite decks have made it available in four different formats: miniature decks, pocket decks, standard size decks and giant size decks.


If you ask me my personal choice, I must admit that I have simply fallen in love with this deck and may be it is because of the recent introduction of the four different forms. I use the standard size deck to conduct my personal readings; the miniature form is what I use when I am traveling and I treasure the pocket edition because it is simple carrying the decks whenever I feel that it's worth carrying. Moreover the size reduction of the tarot decks has made the images crisper yet they are easy to view and understand.


On whole, the Rider-Waite tarot decks have made the reading of tarot cards more interesting and appealing a subject. This simple and easy to use deck has made tarot reading more approachable.


This article was tagged : Deck, Cards, Card, Tarot, Waite, Rider
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