Relation Between Numerology & Health |
Article posted on August 6, 2012 and it has been read by 11247 people |
"Your body often has the ability to begin healing itself if you stop the behaviors contributing to the problem" --Dr. Dean Ornish
All the riches, power, glory, and fame in the world cannot bring back your health once you've lost it. Thus, not only is it important to maintain good health, but to know the possible illnesses that are likely to affect you, your loved ones, and friends.
Numerology can help us in understanding and gaining a clear insight about our mental and physical health. To be more specific, the study and practice of the numbers gives us the knowledge of how we can maintain and improve our health by being more aware of the stress in our lives. Having good health is a time consuming and a lifelong process.
Numerology determines our health condition by calculating our date of birth. For instance, if the date of birth of a person, who is sick, is on the 17th of the month, then he/ she is an 8 person (1+7=8) and is prone to suffer from illness related to those areas of his/ her health as ruled by his/ her birth number.
Number 1 Person
People born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th, or under the sign of Aries or Leo, are prone to suffer from eye related problems of all kind, especially astigmatism, which results from over exposure to bright or direct sunlight. You may also suffer from lung troubles, high blood pressure, heart palpitations complemented with irregular blood circulations. The months which demand more attention as far as your health are concerned are January, May and October.
Number 2 Person
People born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th, or under the sign of Cancer or Taurus, are prone to suffer from stomach and digestive problems. Be careful of food poisoning, appendicitis, tumors, cancer, or stress related diabetes. Women may have health concerns related to reproductive organs. The months which demand more attention as far as your health is concerned are January, April, and November.
Number 3 Person
People born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th, or under the Pisces or Sagittarius, are prone to suffer from emotional depression resulting from overwork, low blood pressure, skin problems, foot problems, kidney disorders, inflamed nerves, and jaundice. The months which demand more attention as far as your health is concerned are February, June, August, and September.
Number 4 Person
People born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st, or under the sign of Aquarius, are prone to suffer from unusual and rare illnesses. You may also face small accidents, occasional injuries, as well as mental and emotional disorders. The months which demand more attention as far as your health is concerned are January, May, and October.
Number 5 Person
People born on the 5th, 14th, or 23rd, or under Gemini or Virgo, are prone to suffer from nervous and mental breakdowns, lack of sleep or insomnia, amnesia, paralysis, vertigo, stammering and twitching problems. The months which demand more attention as far as your health is concerned are January, March, and December.
Number 6 Person
People born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th, or under Libra or Taurus, are prone to suffer from nose, throat, sinuses and upper region of the lungs, hay fever, irregular blood circulation and/or heart palpitations. Women may have problems related to breasts. The months which demand more attention as far as your health is concerned are January, February, April, and August.
Number 7 Person
People born on the 7th, 16th, 25th, or under the sign of Cancer or Pisces, are prone to suffer from annoyance, and mental aggravation. You may also face skin problems and night sweats, as well as minor stomach concerns. The months which demand more attention as far as your health is concerned are January, April, and August.
Number 8 Person
People born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th, or under the sign of Capricorn, are prone to suffer from feelings of loneliness. You may also experience blood diseases, and a tendency to receive the wrong medical treatment or wrong drug prescription. The months which demand more attention as far as your health is concerned are February, June, August, and September.
Number 9 Person
People born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th, or if you're an Aries or Scorpio, are prone to suffer from accidents, cuts, and bruises, more than illnesses. Be careful of fires, explosives and guns. The months which demand more attention as far as your health is concerned are January, May, July, and October.