Future So Bright

Graphology & Your Self Analysis

Article posted on August 8, 2012 and it has been read by 9034 people

Handwriting AnalysisCharacter sets the individual pattern of handwriting and is inseparable from it; consequently, a voluntary handwriting change, once achieved, produces a corresponding change of character. It has been proved that that a man has three basic characters:


  1. The one he exhibits
  2. The one he actually has, and.
  3. The one which he thinks he has.



Very few people are blessed with the art of discovering accurately all truths about themselves without any professional or superficial help. And this can be done by analyzing their handwriting. Moreover, it has also been proved that the handwriting is full of health clues which clearly reveal the disorders of the heart, of the nerves, of the joints and of the glandular systems. It also reveals Epilepsy among other things.




Three zones or portions of space above and below the writing lines are used in handwriting analysis, and each is symbolic of the energy expended in that area of the writer’s life. The three Zones are:


  1. Upper Zone: representing intellect or abstract.
  2. Middle Zone: representing daily action
  3. Lower Zone: representing desires and drives.

Large, full upper zones divulge a thoughtful person probably with imagination and creativity but perhaps with an unrealistic self image. The more flourished or enlarged or twirled, represents the more extreme imagination and is indicative that the writer suffers from fantasies or day dreams. A writing unbalanced in this zone would indicate a lack of attention, intellect and imaginative aspects. A narrow upper zone reveals lack of imagination or creative thoughts within the writer.


Middle zone letters indicate a particular interest of the writer in social relationship. Imbalance in this area describes the writer as being immature or insecure.


The lower zone corresponds to the basic drives of the writer. Money, possessions, physical exercise and sex are some of the drives that may be investigated by giving attention to this zone.









Margins are an accurate measuring factor, only on a full sheet paper. It shows the degree of the writer’s economy, consistency, tolerance, desire for esteem and urge for acceptance. Well spaced margins signify an intelligent arrangement of time and space accompanied by favorable organization.




Significance Of Margins:


  1. Wide Upper: represents formality, reserve, modesty and esteem for reader.
  2. Wide Lower: represents aloofness, idealism and sexual or emotional trauma.
  3. Narrow Upper: represents informality, directness and lack of aspect for reader.
  4. Narrow Lower: represents depression, fatigue and sensuousness.
  5. Widening Left: represents impatience, haste, enthusiasm and lavishness.
  6. Narrowing Right: represents decreasing shyness.
  7. Irregular Right: represents unwise thriftiness, love of travel and ambivalent social attitude.
  8. Even Left: represents self discipline and good manners.
  9. Even Right: represents intolerance, conformity to set standards and self consciousness.
  10. Wide All Sides: represents aloofness, secrecy about self, aesthetic and lonely.
  11. Irregular All Sides: represents versatility, tolerance, carelessness, inattentiveness.


Thus this article gives an overview as to how the Zones and the Margins serves the purpose of analyzing an individual’s character and personality.

This article was tagged : Personality, Margins, Zones, Analysis, Handwriting
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