Future So Bright

Aquarius Horoscope – Yearly Astrology for 2017

Article posted on May 26, 2013 and it has been read by 26509 people

Aquarius Zodiac Horoscope 20172017 horoscope for Aquarius predicts that this will be a year of substantial opportunities with vast development possibilities for the foreseeable future. Ensure that your hasty actions don't rebound back on you. People of the Aquarius zodiac sign may be excellent orators. Also, you may be reluctant to show your abilities till you feel comfortable. You need to be accommodating and accept the changes in life. The year 2017 is filled with good opportunities in all spheres of life.


Profession / Career
For the Aquarius sun sign, this year 2017 is very good for personal undertakings or salaried jobs. You may change jobs or get a promotion in your current organization. You'll not be distracted from your goals and certainly achieve your targets. You will experience overall gratification in all areas of your work, thus making you mentally satisfied. New ideas for execution will emerge for you in your career. You might get some profitable projects, however they will take time to complete. Aquarians will uncover new directions in their profession. Your profession will undergo several adjustments and would demand you to make a decision about long-term goals. You will work extremely hard to achieve your goals.


Click Here >> Aquarius Horoscope Predictions 2016



Love / Relationships
Your Aquarius love astrology prediction for 2017 predicts that this year will give mixed success in matters of love, sex and romance. You may fall in love with an old friend. You may also get an opportunity to go on a vacation with your spouse. It is predicted that people of the Aquarius zodiac sign will make advances in new directions in relationships and matters of the heart. This is a good time to pamper your partner and plan a romantic vacation. Wives and husbands will be far more adaptable and supportive to each other. It is time to express your feelings and let the other individual know what’s on your mind. You need to overcome feelings of revenge, distrust, jealousy so that you can seal the bond with your partner.




Money / Finance
Aquarius money horoscope 2017 foretells that there could be some regularity in your incoming revenue this year. You may tend to invest a large amount of money in setting up a new business. You will find a new way of generating income. Worldly issues and expenses are not given much thought. After the middle of the year, money from some inheritance or by sheer luck is predicted.


Aquarius health predictions for 2017 looks good and seems promising. Other than a few negligible health issues, your overall well-being will be perfect. This will be a year of wonderful vigor and wellness for you personally. You need to stop worrying over others’ problems and stop stressing over taking responsibility for everyone’s actions. Meditation and visualizing on positive thoughts will definitely help you in the long run. Do not overdo in helping others. Maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine to stay fit.



Your home will be filled with cheerfulness and joy. You will be able to satisfy your family members. It will be great if you look at your mistakes before letting your self-esteem get in the way. You may need to change your lifestyle and make some compromises. This is the only way you will be able to achieve the right balance between your personal and professional life.


Aquarius good traitsAquarius bad traits

Corresponding Chinese Astrology Zodiac Sign >> The Tiger

Click Here >> 2017 Chinese Horoscope Tiger

Aquarius October 2017

Click Here For Aquarius Monthly Horoscope - January 2017


Horoscope 2017
Aries Horoscope 2017 Taurus Horoscope 2017 Gemini Horoscope 2017 Cancer Horoscope 2017 Leo Horoscope 2017 Virgo Horoscope 2017
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Horoscope 2017 Scorpio Horoscope 2017 Sagittarius Horoscope 2017 Capricorn Horoscope 2017 Aquarius Horoscope 2017 Pisces Horoscope 2017
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces


<<< 2017 Horoscope For Capricorn

2017 Horoscope For Pisces >>>


This article was tagged : Money, Career, Aquarius, Horoscope 2014, Horoscope, 2014, Love
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Mina Marin