Future So Bright

2016 Monthly Horoscope For Gemini

Article posted on April 17, 2014 and it has been read by 74257 people

The 2016 Gemini monthly horoscopes foretell about the coming year for the Gemini zodiac sign. Find out what the year has in store for you and the changes you will need to undergo. Will 2016 be good or bad for the Geminis? Find out now!


Gemini 2016 Horoscopes
January (2016)

February (2016)

March (2016) April (2016) May (2016) June
July August September October November December


5 Gemini May Horoscope 2016


Gemini May Horoscope 2016 predicts a satisfactory month. Though turbulence is expected on the career front, private life will be excellent. You fix up up your future goals during the month after building your inner strength. There is a sense of purpose in whatever you plan and execute.


There will be possibilities for single people to meet their life partners during May 2016. Whatever love contacts the Gemini star sign develops are likely to become permanent.


Career predictions forecast for May 2016 foretells that your new ideas will be appreciated by your superiors. You have to maintain harmonious relationships with your coworkers.


Financial prospects are excellent with plenty of money flowing in to meet all your personal expenses. More money will be allocated to your personal affairs.


Health astrology warns you to relax to be able to cope up with your energetic actions. Overall fitness will be satisfactory.


Family relations require diplomatic handling and all differences of opinion should be sorted out. Your spouse requires more devotion and love.

4 Gemini April Horoscope 2016


Gemini predictions for April 2016 suggest that people born under this zodiac sign will have an enjoyable and romantic life. It is time to make the best of your opportunities with your family and friends by avoiding any arguments. Exercise lot of caution and patience while dealing with others.


gemini 2016Career prospects for the Gemini are bright with the support of all people in the work environment in April 2016. You will be able to reach your targets without much difficulty.


2016 April Gemini Financial horoscope predicts a profitable April 2016 with income exceeding expenditure. Invest surplus money after proper study and research.


April 2016 is a splendid time for lovers, both singles and those already in partnership. Lot of fun and excitement can be expected. This month is a good time for romance and passion with your life partner, according to the April 2016 love forecast.


Health forecasts are expected to be excellent without any major problems. Take professional help in case of minor ailments.


Family matters require enough time in sorting out the differences between members of the family.

3 Gemini March Horoscope 2016


March 2016 Gemini horoscope predicts that this is an ideal month to relax and concentrate on planning your future. Profession takes precedence over family during the month. However there will be enough accomplishment and forward movement in life. You can dabble in religion and spirituality for a change.


Financial astrology indicates that monetary status will be stagnant and does not hold your attention temporarily. Partnership businesses may create some problems.


Career Horoscope suggests that you will be fanatical about your career. You will enjoy the confidence of your management and entertaining your customers at work place and discussions with them will keep you busy.


Love and relation predictions for March 2016 indicate slow progress in your relationships and love takes a back seat during March 2016.


Health will require you to take sufficient breaks during the latter half of the month. Otherwise no problems are expected on this front.


Family matters will require a balancing act and you should listen to close relatives before deciding on any action. Avoid conflicts with members of the family.

2 Gemini February Horoscope 2016


February 2016 will be financially rewarding with lot of benefits for the Gemini zodiac sign. More attention should be given to marketing your products with better advertising and communication. Businessmen will have to face labor problems and should be ready to put in more effort. There will be problem balancing your professional life and family life.


Gemini finance predictions forecast that money will be sound during February 2016 and your problem will be how to spend and where to spend. Probably you may look at buying a new car or renovating your old house.


The Gemini career Horoscope for February 2016 predicts that you will be burdened with projects beyond your capabilities. If you are in a new job, you will be rewarded for your diligence and will power.


Love and Relations Horoscope 2016 predicts that people in dedicated relationships will have a wonderful time during the month. You should be more restrained in dealing with your relationship.


Health will be remarkable in the first half of the month. Second half will require you to take it easy to face the challenges in your profession.


Family relations will be cordial during the month and do not forget to shower your family members with gifts during Valentines.

1 Gemini January Horoscope 2016


January 2016 will be a busy month for the Gemini star sign people in terms of career and business. Be prepared for all kinds of situations. Romance will be interesting. Finances need to be controlled. Friends and relatives will keep you busy. Health will be very good.

Gemini HoroscopeRomance and love will ignite your life. Be prepared for a happy relationship in which you will have a lot of fun.

Career astrology forecasts 2016 for January predict that new projects and ventures will keep the Gemini occupied throughout the month. Pending projects need to be completed this month.

You will manage your finances very well and money will never be short for you. Monetary profits in terms of bonus or raise in salary is expected according to the 2016 January Gemini horoscope.

Health predictions 2016 for Gemini foretell that this is an excellent month to indulge yourself in beauty treatments that will give you a total makeover.

Travel plans for this month should be postponed if possible, since there might be some unforeseeable problems.

This will be a hectic month but you will make time for social gatherings. Peace and calm can be expected on the family front.

12 Gemini December Horoscope 2017


Gemini astrologyGemini will have a wonderful time in December 2017 partying and socializing. Control your expenses. Be conscious of your health. Expect to have a lovely month with your loved one, predicts the 2017 Gemini horoscope for December.

Love and romance will blossom in places close to home. You will find out that your true love has been in front of you all this while, but you never realized it.

Excellent job opportunities will come your way. Your salary will increase and so will your job profile. Promotions and important assigments are on hand.

The Gemini financial horoscope 2017 forecasts increase in earnings. Control your urge to splurge on unwanted purchases.

The Geminis can expect to be totally fit in 2017. Your focus on physical exercises will pay off.

You will go on an exotic vacation with your spouse or partner. Expect to have some fun-filled moments.

This month will be full of family occasions and social gatherings. You will help out someone in need.

11 Gemini November Horoscope 2017


November 2017 Gemini predictions forecast a peaceful month. Love will be full of bliss. Expect a lot of competition on the career front. Health might be delicate.

Gemini Horoscope 2017 NovemberGemini love horoscope for November 2017 predicts a pleasing month. You will spend quality time with your loved one.

People in jobs and business will face a lot of rivalry. You will need to be the best in your professional field if you want to come out a winner.

You will receive unexpected gifts and presents from family and colleagues. This can be in the form of items or cash. Invest the money in good investment schemes.

You need to take necessary health precautions. Problems of the bone and muscles might trouble you throughout this month.

Travel for business or pleasure might not work out this month.

Family and friends will prove to be your pillar of strength. Love and caring for your loved ones will give you the ultimate satisfaction.

10 Gemini October Horoscope 2017


Gemini October 2017 Horoscope

October 2017 for the Gemini will be an overall month of stability and commitment. Be it love, career or health everything will be balanced this month.

Gemini compatibility in love will bring a lot of pleasure for this zodiac sign in October 2017. There might not be some serious commitment but there will definitely be a stability in your love relationships.

Progress in career will be excellent if you put in the hard work required. Your good communication skills will help you overcome all adversity at work.

Finance horoscope for the Gemini will be stable for October 2017. The beginning of the month will be better than the end of the month. So plan wisely.

Health forecast for the Gemini seems to be favorable. Harmony in body, mind and soul can be guaranteed if you keep your temper in control.

You might plan a sudden trip with your friends, according to the 2017 October Gemini horoscope.

There might be a marriage in the family. A family member might need some support. You will enjoy the company of your friends and family.

9 Gemini September Horoscope 2017

Gemini horoscope for September 2017 foretells a demanding month. You will need to be on your toes if you wish to achieve your goals.

Gemini 2017 HoroscopeLove and romance might take a backseat this month thanks to the retrograde planets.

Career and business predictions are favourable. Take one thing at a time and go ahead. Challenges at work will prove to be satisfying.

Money and financial prospects are good provided you do not take unwanted risks in speculation and stock trading.

Health and wellbeing might be affected in the beginning of the month but will be better towards the end of September 2017.

This is a good time for a family vacation.

Social and family life will be full of fun and frolic. You will indulge in activities that give you pleasure and happiness.

8 Gemini August Horoscope 2017


Geminis can expect both good and bad things to happen in August 2017. The 2017 August horoscope forecasts an average month for love and family. Finances will be good. Career will need a lot of effort.

Gemini The Twins 2017 2016The 2017 Gemini love horoscope predicts that you will be pampered in love this month. This is not a good time to make serious relationship decisions.

To be successful in career you will need to be better organized.

Financially August 2017 will be an excellent month for the Gemini sun sign. But you can expect a lot of expenditure too.

A vacation with family may materialize this month.

Mental tensions need to be controlled. A positive attitude can help you be healthy to a great extent.

You will need to fulfil the promises made to your family.

7 Gemini July Horoscope 2017


Gemini July 2017 horoscope predicts that this month will be excellent overall provided you learn to keep cool. Love will prosper but your career might be a bit stressed.


Gemini Horoscope 2017 2016Romance and love affairs will be passionate. You will be the perfect lover that your partner always wanted. Understand your partner's needs before coming to your own conclusions.


Work and career will progress well but you might face some problems with your boss predicts the 2017 career horoscope for Geminis. But your positive attitude and will power will help you overcome all obstacles.


You will need to take care of financial affairs this month before the going gets tough.


Some physical discomfort is predicted for July 2017 for the Gemini astrology sign.


Travel forecasts for July 2017 predict that though this might not be the right time for a vacation considering the Gemini 2017 financial horoscope, a short trip will let you spend some quality time with your loved ones.


Family life may not be too smooth. You children might give you some reasons to worry.


6 Gemini June Horoscope 2017


The Gemini zodiac people should rest in June 2017. This is a period of relaxation that will prepare you for the coming months. Stock up on your mental and physical resources for the rest of 2017 is going to be hectic.

Gemini Zodiac 2017You will become more serious in love. Relationships will not just be for fun but you will genuinely want an understanding partner. Romance and passion will be controlled. You will need to take the initiative if you want your relationship to succeed.

Career horoscope for Gemini predicts that in June 2017 work and business decisions will take a backseat. Business people and professionals need to think twice before finalizing any deal.

Finance horoscope for June 2017 predicts that income will be stable but you will need to make certain changes with respect to your spending and saving methods.

Inspite of hectic work, you will still find time to go for a short trip. Enjoy your break to the maximum and come back rejuvenated.

You will need to take some extra care of your health and well-being. Digestion and stomach related problems will trouble you in June 2017.

Concentrate on building stronger bonds with family, friends and relatives. Your advice will be appreciated and helpful for people who are in some kind of trouble.

May 2017


May 2017 is a time for self awakening for the Gemini sun sign. You need to give serious thought to as to how you can rise above the current stagnancy in your life. Intense love and passion can affect your logical thinking.

2017 Gemini Love HoroscopeLove and romance for the Gemini zodiac sign will improve from last month. This is a good time for newly married couples or people in a relationship to understand each other better and make their bonds stronger. Passionate relationships may not last long.

Career predictions for May 2017 show that this will be a hectic month for the Geminis. You may end up working harder than normal to complete assignments.    

Your finances may be a bit tight in May 2017. So do not invest or spend till you are sure about your earnings.

Take a short break and travel to a peaceful location.

Overall health may be fine but you need to take care of your mental health. Physically you may feel fit and active but stress can affect your mind adversely. Take time to practice meditation and some relaxing activities.

Some property issue may crop up between immediate family members. Be sure to communicate well because there are chances of you being misunderstood.

April 2017


April 2017 for the Gemini zodiac sign is a period of self development and progress. You will stop depending on others and become your own master. You will find your true calling in spiritual and holistic activities.

Love forecast for April 2017 foretells that this month will be similar to the last month when it comes to romantic liaisons. Your love relationships may create some distress on the work front.

Career predictions for the Gemini are positive in April 2017. You will go up the corporate ladder because of your hard work and persistence and not just because of your contacts. You will start thinking beyond material profits and gains. New business ventures may start showing some results.

Be careful while driving in order to avoid mishaps of any kind. Official travel will materialize this month.

Finances may be weak in the beginning of the month but will improve towards the end of April 2017. But this will not stop you from going overboard with some shopping.

Health horoscope predicts that April 2017 will be good for the Gemini star sign. You can attain peace of mind with some meditation and yoga.

The Gemini social life will be very active this month but at the same time a bit volatile. Do not get into any kind of arguments with friends and family.

March 2017


March 2017 for the Gemini star sign may begin with a bang but will start to fizzle out towards the end of the month. But do not worry, this will just give you time for self-reflection.

Love may blossom this month. You will find true love from completely unexpected quarters. You will be successful in your pursuit of the right partner.

Gemini Horoscope March 2017Do not take any short cuts on your career front. Learn to be perfect in your work as that is the only way you will achieve success. Overall your career according to 2017 horoscope predicts that this will be a good month.

Finances will be strong this month. But you will need to control your spending keeping in mind the future months of the year.

Work related travel may work out but you will need to take extra precaution.

Health will be good but may deteriorate towards the end of the month.

You will give in more thought on improving your relations with your family. You will forge new relationships and friendships but very few of them will survive.

February 2017


February 2017 for the Gemini zodiac sign will be a period when you will need to make major changes in your lifestyle.

You will be involved in many love relationships this month. Your mind will waver when it comes to maintaining the compatibility with your partner. Gemini sexual relations will be strong this month.

You will be highly ambitious in your career and profession. You work will be appreciated and you will climb up the corporate ladder.

Do not let go of foreign travel opportunities for study or work.

You will earn more than you will spend. At times the earnings may go down but overall monetary wise you will be stable.

Health horoscope suggests that you need to relax. Maintain an active lifestyle but at the same time do not lose sleep over anxiety and tensions.

Family will be very supportive and will encourage you to go ahead in life.

January 2017


January 2017 Gemini horoscope prediction forecasts that this month will have its share of problems. But thanks to your hard work and balanced thinking you will overcome all difficulties with ease.

Gemini Monthly HoroscopeLove and romantic relationships will prosper this month. A good understanding and open communication is the key to a happy love life.

Career and business will take up a lot of your energy. You will not be easily successful in your tasks and have to make special efforts to communicate with your colleagues. Patience is the key for all entrepreneurs.

Money astrology predictions for January 2017, is not at all favourable. Desist from taking loans of any kind. Do not make any major investment.

A lot of travelling will be done this month foretells your travel horoscope.

Take good care of your health. You may suffer from some minor health ailments.

You will need to spend more time with your family and make some compromises in order to keep everyone happy at home.


Click Here >> Chinese Gemini Horse Horoscope 2017


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