Future So Bright

2016 Monthly Horoscope For Virgo

Article posted on April 17, 2014 and it has been read by 121421 people

See the Virgo monthly horoscope from January to December for this year. Get free astrological predictions for love, relationships, health, finance, career and family.


Virgo 2016 Horoscopes
January (2016) February (2016) March (2016) April (2016) May (2016) June
July August September October November December


5 Virgo May Horoscope 2016


Predictions for Virgo zodiac sign for the month of May 2016 foretell major developments on domestic as well as career aspects of life. You will be more aggressive and independent in your outlook in life which helps in guiding your fate. Be patient as you may not be happy with the speed of changes.


Virgo May Horoscope 2016 predicts that you will come in contact with new love mates. While marriage is unlikely, the relationship will be a long drawn affair.


Career forecasts are excellent during May 2016 and you will reach your zenith. All your efforts should be concentrated on furthering your profession or business.


Financially you are entering a period of affluence which will continue for the next two decades. There will be short term ups and downs which will not affect the overall growth.


Your focus on developments in your career and family will lead to problems of physical fitness. It will be beneficial to relax in between your stressful life foretell your astrology predictions.


Family horoscope suggests an expansion of the family because of new arrivals in the form of child birth or marriage to a member of the family.

4 Virgo April Horoscope 2016


Monthly horoscope for Virgo for April 2016 indicates that divine intervention and your social contacts will help you to achieve your targets easily. Though family concerns crop up frequently, main attention should be on your profession and developing new contacts. The month promises significant accomplishments in life.


Career prospects for this Virgo star sign will be superb according to your job forecasts. Management will recognize your contribution at work and you will be rewarded handsomely.


2016 April finance horoscope foretells that enough cash will be generated to pay off old loans, and overall monetary position will be comfortable during April 2016. Family and partners will give all the help required.


virgo horoscope 2016



Love predictions suggest that unmarried persons will have lot of fun and adventure during the month.


Family relations present a pretty picture and you will spend memorable moments with your spouse.


During first half of the month, health may cause minor problems. Latter part of the month will see that your fitness improves drastically.

3 Virgo March Horoscope 2016


March 2016 Horoscope for Virgo suggests that there will be continuous progress in life because of social connections. Focus should be on building new friends and eliminating all conflicts. Spend your time on planning and strategizing your future, but postpone execution to a later date.


Finance horoscope points to a highly profitable month with money pouring in from all sources including work, family and friends.


Love and relationships indicate many passionate encounters, and you will be realistic to use them for ensuring your financial security.


Career astrology forecasts point to new jobs for the unemployed and change of job for the employed persons.


Health predictions foretell that it will be marvelous during the month and you will be full of life during the second half of the month.


Family matters do not figure much in your course of action during March 2016.

2 Virgo February Horoscope 2016


February 2016 brings in plenty of accomplishments coupled with development and transformations for the Virgo zodiac sign. Your contribution for these will be negligible and they are all inspired and brought about by your social contacts. Accept things as they come and enjoy your life by developing your contacts.

Certain amount of caution will help matters.


2016 February horoscope for Virgo predicts that your financial position will be excellent during the month. New and significant developments and partnerships are likely for businessmen. Lot of money for investment will flow from friends and financial institutions.


Virgo career predictions for February 2016 forecast a change of job or profession.


Love life will be turbulent if you are already in a relationship. Unmarried persons will meet their partners in the second half of the month. Expect quite a bit of love and romance.


Health requires caution and enough rest is needed to be fit. Stress due to overwork is to be avoided.


There will be peace and security in the family. You may renovate your home or try to invest in new properties.

1 Virgo January Horoscope 2016


You will be in the limelight, forecasts the Virgo January 2016 horoscope. So be ready to face the world with an open mind and without any bias. Career will be beneficial. Relationships might be a little difficult. Unexpected money might come in. This is a very good month for the Virgo zodiac sign.

VirgoLove horoscope predictions 2016 for Virgo predicts a tough time with your loved ones.  Learn to overcome differences in order to make your relationships a success.

Expect a lot of progress on the career and business front. Focus and commitment will be the key to your success. Your work will be appreciated. Promotions and salary hikes are on the cards.

You might also receive a financial windfall from an inheritance.  Go with your guts when it comes to savings and investments this month foretell your money astrology for January 2016.

Take some adventurous treks or trips so that you can rejuvenate yourself.

January 2016 health forecast for the Virgins is excellent. You will keep well physically as well as mentally.

Your social standing will increase. People will be drawn to your magnetic personality and crave for your attention.

12 Virgo December Horoscope 2017


Virgo HoroscopeDecember 2017 Virgo horoscope presents a happy and positive picture. You will be happy in all aspects of your life. Love will blossom. Career will flourish. Savings will increase and relations with family will be good.

Love for the Virgo sun sign will brighten up this month. You might face some obstacles in your relationships but these can be taken care of with some extra love and effort.

Job changes are on hand in December 2017 foretell the Virgo career astrology predictions. Karma will play an important role in all major career and business decisions.

Virgo people will receive unexpected help when it comes to finances.  Do not indulge in speculation or quick money schemes.

Virgo health forecast for December 2017 is good provided you do not give up your regular exercise regime.

An exotic vacation is predicted for this month.

You will notice positive changes on the family front. Your ability to forgive and forget can take you a long way in life. Listen o your children when they try to help you solve your problems.

11 Virgo November Horoscope 2017


2017 Virgo HoroscopeNovember 2017 horoscope for Virgo forecasts a positive month. Love will improve. Career predictions forecast improvement in your job. Finances will improve. Health will be excellent.

Do not expect too much from your life. Relationships will improve towards the end of the month. Do not let conflicts come in the way of your relations.

2017 November will provide many opportunities on the business and career front. Take it easy and do not let stress take its toll on your health. You will begin new projects this month.

Virgo finance predictions foretell that you will spend a lot on your family. You might also think of investing in property, investments or gold.

Travel and vacations with loved ones is on the cards. Holiday in some romantic destination with your spouse to spice up the romance.

There will be no health problems. Health predictions are good for this month but overindulgence can lead to digestion and weight problems.

Family and friends will support you in all your undertakings thus boosting your will to succeed. There might be a crisis on the domestic front that will require your attention.

10 Virgo October Horoscope 2017


Virgo 2017 October horoscope predicts a fulfilling month with a great career. Finances will be good. Health will be excellent. Your love life will be full of fun and happiness.


Virgo Horoscope 2017 October2017 Virgo love horoscope foretells an enjoyable month with your partner. But do not look for any kind of serious commitment.

The 2017 Virgo career horoscope forecasts excellent progress in career and business. Challenges on the work front will give you great satisfaction.

Financially this will be a rewarding month for the Virgo sun sign. Some of your investments will give you good returns.

October 2017 is a great time to plan a vacation to an exotic destination with your family.

Overall health astrology predictions for Virgo in October 2017 is good. Your attempt at regular exercise will prove to be fruitful.

Family life for the Virgoans will be fun filled and exciting. You will spend quality time with your loved ones.

9 Virgo September Horoscope 2017


Virgo 2017 astrology for September forecasts strong relationships with your loved ones. Clarity in thinking is needed in your career. Love life will be difficult.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope 2017 2016Sexual intimacy with your partner or spouse will be the highlight of this month. Understanding in love might be a bit tough but ignoring what you cannot change is the best way to go about things.

Career forecast for the Virgo zodiac sign predicted provided they can make important decisions without any sort of confusion.

The financial astrology predictions foretell that this will be a beneficial month for the Virgo. There may be some sudden expenses but the return from your investments will make things easy.

Health forecast for September 2017 is fantastic. You will be highly energetic and physically active. Keep an eye on indulging in rich food.

A short picnic or trip to an amusement park is on the cards.

Life on the home front will be calm and peaceful, but you will need to avoid unwanted confrontations and conflicts with family members. This is a good time to buy jewellery, furniture and personal accessories.

8 Virgo August Horoscope 2017


August 2017 will be a calm month for the Virgo star sign. Domestic and professional life will both move at a relaxed pace. Stress and tension will not trouble you this month.

Virgo Virgin Horoscope 2017 2016Spouse or partners in relationships will be cooperative and you shall benefit from their support. Sexual pleasures can be satisfying. Emotional bonding with partner can be expected.

Careerwise, the month of August is rewarding. Your efforts in business or in your job will be appreciated. You will be focussed and goal oriented.

Financial stability comes with a great job. Save this month wisely so that you can enjoy a secure future. Investment in gold is a good idea.

A fun trip to an amusement park with family and friends will be enjoyable.

Physical and mental health will be stable.

You will have a very good time with your family and enjoy their company. Relaxation and outings with children and parents are on the cards.

7 Virgo July Horoscope 2017


Virgo 2017 horoscope for July 2017 foretells that you need to be focused and attentive this month. Personal life may be a bit disturbed. Business will be good.

Love predictions for the Virgo do not look so good this month. You may lose your temper repeatedly and get into minor arguments with your spouse or partner. The retrograde planets can slow down the pace of your love and romantic affairs.

virgo zodiac 2017 2016Business forecast for Virgoans for July 2017 predict that you will be looking into some major mergers and acquisitions. There will be major changes in your organization which can indirectly affect your career.

Financial decisions made in July 2017, will work in your favor. Your intuition and subconscious power will help you in making the right investments.

A health checkup is in order. Do not neglect your well-being and take precautions. Stress can be controlled with meditation and spiritual awakening and positive visualization.

July 2017 is a good time to travel for the Virgo star sign. Plan a vacation with your loved ones and have a wonderful time.

Children, especially teens will create some tension for you in July 2017. You will be involved in many group activities. This is a good time to fulfill your inner desires.


6 Virgo June Horoscope 2017


June 2017 monthly horoscope for the Virgo star sign will prove to be beneficial and positive on all fronts. This month will be hectic and you will be on your toes for most of the month.

2017 AstrologyRomantic relationships can be nurtured if you are serious about it. Friendships will be tested. Your love relationships may not be accepted by family.

Work will progress very well for the Virgo sun sign in June 2017. There may be changes in career and your job profile. But you need to keep up with the latest technology if you wish to succeed in your profession.

You may even think of relocating to some foreign land.

Financially Virgos will do well in June 2017. Your money predictions forecasts that you will indulge in some luxurious shopping.

Some health problems may crop up. The Virgo 2017 horoscope for health predicts that you will need to be careful and take lot of rest if you want to prevent any kind of illness. People born with some psychic abilities will be more intuitive this month.

Family including children and spouse will be very accommodating. You will invest in some household items. Relations with parents and siblings will need to be understood better.

May 2017


May 2017 will be a period of spiritual awakening for the Virgo zodiac sign. Career and finance will improve. Family support will help you get through all obstacles. Meditation and the quest for spiritual consciousness will be top on your mind this month.

2017 Love VirgoLove horoscope predicts that this month you will need to pamper your partner. Your jokes may not be taken easily by your spouse.

Career predictions for the Virgo are favourable for May 2017. The planet Mercury in your horoscope will support all business and professional decisions. Do not postpone tasks that can be done immediately.

Money astrology predictions for May 2017 for Virgo star sign shows that this month too you will face some financial crisis. But towards the end of the month, you will become financially stable.

Business related travel is forecasted for May 2017. Vacations and holidays with family too will be a good idea.

Overall health will be good. But do not overindulge your energies in unwanted activities and spoil your wellbeing.

Family and spouse will help you in your financial crisis. You will tend to be more at peace with your own self and this will be reflected in your personal attitude towards your loved ones.

April 2017


April 2017 for the Virgo zodiac sign will be calm and peaceful in all aspects of life. Avoid overindulgence of any kind and enjoy all the good things in moderation. The monthly horoscope for Virgins forecasts that overall this will be a beneficial month.

2017 Virgo Monthly HoroscopesLove and romance can work out for you this month if you make the initiative to approach the one you love. The Virgo sex life will go to a new high and you will be physically active this month.

Career and business related decisions will be fruitful this month for Virgos. Your hard work and efforts will pay off. Jupiter in your horoscope will prove to be beneficial for professional progress.

The Virgo financial horoscope predicts that income may not increase this month, so you will need to think of new ways to invest and save money. Take care of all tax related issues this month.

An official business trip is predicted for April 2017.

Health and fitness will be a priority for you this time. You will psychologically aware and have dreams of death. Your guardian angels will send you messages that may be important for your future.

Relationship with family will be excellent. Family will support you in all possible ways.

March 2017


March 2017 Virgo forecast shows that the Virgo star sign people need to concentrate on the bigger picture this month. It is time for you to revamp all aspects of your life and look forward to a bright new future.

2017 Virgo Monthly HoroscopesLove and sexual horoscope for Virgo star sign predicts an unconventional month. Sexual experiences will be unique and innovative. Relationship compatibility between couples will improve.

Work and career forecast predicts that you will need to be dedicated and hard working if you hope to see good results in the coming months.

Finance and monetary dealings should be done after a lot of thought. Think twice before spending without any practical need.

Work and travel will go hand-in-hand. But you need to plan your travel trip totally before proceeding on the journey.

Health issues are nonexistent but even then this is a good time to rejuvenate your body and mind. Practice some healing exercises and holistic therapy for keeping your mind energetic and calm.

On the family front, Virgo need to mend old sour relations and practice diplomacy when dealing with people. Clean up your home and give away useless old things.

February 2017


February 2017 Virgo astrology predicts that this month will be full of dreams and fantasies. You will fulfil all your goals and at the same time have time for social events and love. You will also believe in spirituality and charitable work.

Virgo Zodiac 2017Virgo zodiac sign people may find love in the most unexpected places. Office romances will blossom. Virgo sexual passion will be on the rise. Singles will get a chance to find their partners. Your dream of a lovely life with your spouse will come true this month.

Work will be hectic. Your hard efforts will pay off. People who are looking for jobs will definitely find some kind of job that makes them happy.

This year is predicted to be a good time for finances and earnings. But you will need to save for the future and spend wisely.  

Travel to some peaceful place can help you mind calm down from extreme stress. A short vacation will do you a lot of good.

You may suffer from some minor illness which can be cured with herbal or naturopathy. Do not let stress and tension spoil your overall good health. Accidents may occur.

Social and family life will keep you on your toes. You will spend a lot of time with your loved ones.

January 2017


2017 January Virgo horoscope forecasts that this month will be the time for settlements and payback. You will need to plan everything with caution if you wish to make the most out of your efforts.

Virgo Monthly HoroscopeCareer astrology predictions are favourable for the Virgo star sign this month. New ventures will work out. You will share a positive relationship with your colleagues. Sharing and learning will be a part of your day-to-day work.

Love and relationships will be fruitful. Your partner will reciprocate your advances thus bringing happiness to both of you. You will be the ultimate lover and please your partner beyond his or her expectations.

Be wise in your monetary dealings. Unexpected expenses will need to be provided for. Travel related expenses will also occur.

A lot of foreign travel is predicted in your birth chart. Be sure to make proper travel arrangements before the journey keeping in mind unexpected developments.

Health and fitness will go hand in hand. Regular exercise and yoga will give you a lot of relief from minor ailments.

Family and domestic life may have some worries. You will be a good judge of people and thus solve all issues with diplomacy. Legal matters will need to be avoided in January 2017 as your planetary positions are not favourable for such issues.


Click Here >> Chinese Virgo Rooster Horoscope 2017


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