Future So Bright

2016 Monthly Horoscope For Libra

Article posted on April 17, 2014 and it has been read by 98554 people

Get your love, career, health, wealth and family monthly horoscopes for the Libra Zodiac Sign. Astrology predictions about the future can help you plan your life in advance. Know how fruitful 2016 is going to be for you in terms of health and wealth in seconds!


Libra 2016 Horoscopes
January (2016)

February (2016)

March (2016) April (2016) May (2016) June
July August September October November December


5 Libra May Horoscope 2016


Monthly predictions for Libra born people suggest that they should focus on professional issues, and domestic issues should be on the back burner. Planets are not helpful during the month and developments will be at a rather slow speed.  You will have to use your social contacts and diplomacy to achieve progress.

Health astrology is fabulous and will tend to improve during the second part of the month.

Career forecasts predict problems for both employers and unemployed people. Jobs and workers are hard to get.

Family affairs are inclined more towards children and their difficulties. Lot of patience is required to solve their problems.

Libra May Horoscope 2016 foretells that monetary aspect of life will be tough during May 2016. Earnings will not match the expenditure and more effort is required to get enough cash.

Libra zodiac sign, you will be surprised with how easily you win over love mates and these relationships have good prospects to go ahead.

4 Libra April Horoscope 2016


Libra Horoscope for April 2016 predicts that family matters will be in the background. Career and communal activities will be in the spotlight. Your social contacts will help you succeed and your contribution will be negligible. You will be recognized in social groups and new contacts will be formed.


On the career front, the forecast is that there will be lot of job related stress. You should be patient and continue to do your hard work this month. Benefits will follow in due course.


April 2016 money horoscope predicts that all speculative investments should be postponed. Expenses will have to be curtailed to match your income.


Libra Horoscope


Love astrology predictions suggest that confusion prevails regarding new relationships because there will be abundance of opportunities. Month end will throw up some clarity.


Health will be delicate during April 2016 for the Libra sun sign. It can be improved by controlling food and resorting to regular work outs.


Family affairs will be mainly centered on the young ones.

3 Libra March Horoscope 2016


March 2016 Libra horoscope foretells that this will be a month which combines hard work with entertainment. There is a need to focus more on your career and profession and forget about family for some time. Do not pay any attention to extrasensory perceptions as you may be misled.

Financial predictions points to a better second half with improvement in earnings. All spending and investments require thorough scrutiny and should be done after proper thinking.

Love will be a major factor on your mind and in your actions during the month. You will be more forceful and self-assured in your affairs. You will have plenty of opportunities and you will have problem making a decision.

Overall health forecasts warns that you wellbeing will be good with enough rest and relaxation during the latter half of the month.

Family concerns are not on your agenda in March 2016, but your family will be indirectly benefitted by your actions on career objectives.

2 Libra February Horoscope 2016


February 2016 Libra horoscope predicts that Librans will concentrate on domestic issues while professional issues will take a backseat. The overall situation will be cheerful and you will receive help from your social contacts to succeed. Time is ripe for starting new ventures and projects.

Finances will improve in the second half of the month. Money for investment will be easily available for people of Libra sun sign.

Career astrology predictions 2016 forecast a new, original approach to career and organization during the month. Organizational changes are probable.

People in love may break old relationships and start new liaisons. You will look for perfect love in your partner.

Health will be superb throughout the month.

Family life will become more positive during the month.

1 Libra January Horoscope 2016


January 2016 might be a difficult month for the Librans. Your family will love the attention you give them. Team work will prove to be beneficial. Love and romantic relationships will go to the next level. Spending will be controlled.

LibraLibra love horoscope 2016 forecasts that you will get serious in commitments and might seriously think of marriage.

Career astrology predictions for January 2016 forecast an excellent month where you will be exposed to different work cultures.

Finances will be stable and you will manage your cash flow very well. You will not spend money on unwanted expenditure.

Travel for business or work is on the cards.

Health forecasts for the Librans will be excellent in January 2016.

Expect to be the pillar of strength for your friends and family. People of the Libra zodiac sign make good listeners. Your friends and relatives will come to you for support and guidance.

12 Libra December Horoscope 2017


Libra AstrologyLibrans might face a somewhat difficult month according to the 2017 Libra December horoscope. You may feel as if nothing is working out in your favor. But be assured. Keep at it and your hard work will be rewarded. Be it love or work, patience is the key to your success.

Love life needs to be reignited. Expect some passion and lust in your relationships. Spiritual balance is needed in all your associations.  

Career 2017 astrology predictions forecast some kind of problems with seniors and colleagues or business partners. Your efforts will not go noticed. You just need to have patience.

Expect some cash shortage towards the end of the month. Save from the beginning of the month in order to avoid major monetary problems foretells the 2017 Libra money forecasts.

A short break with friends and family in December 2017 will do you a lot of good.

Mental health needs to be taken care of. Avoid stress and strain under any cost. Alternative therapy and time with friends can help you relax a lot. Do not ignore your daily routine, as this may spoil your health.

Time will be a premium for you this month. Family might complain that you are neglecting them.

11 Libra November Horoscope 2017


Libra November 2016 HoroscopeLibra 2017 November horoscope predicts a rewarding month. Career will be satisfying. Love will be fulfilling. You will be blessed with good health.

Love and romance with your partner will be full of fun. You will enjoy each other’s company to the maximum.

Libran career forecast for November 2017 is positive. There might be some challenges but you will be able to achieve your goals and targets.

Financial predictions for the Libra zodiac sign is positive for this month. Your income will increase thus giving you a chance to save more.

November 2017 is a good month to go on a short vacation with friends and family.

Health and wellbeing will be without any problems. You will also gain by regular exercise, yoga and meditation.

This is an excellent time to spend with your family, children and friends. Enjoy these moments before life becomes more hectic.

10 Libra October Horoscope 2017

October 2017 horoscope for Libra predicts that this will be a special month for you. You will get whatever you desire be it love, money or career. Fame and money will come knocking on your doors.

Libra Horoscope 2017 OctoberLibrans in love relationships will get serious only towards the end of the month. You might find your true love in parties, picnics and other group activities.

The October 2017 career and business horoscope foretells an excellent month. You will achieve all your goals and targets. Your focus and hard work will help you be successful. Intuition plays an important role in helping you take the right career decisions.

Money predictions forecast that this will be a very beneficial month for the Librans. Earnings and spending will be high. Invest the extra money in a safe investment.

You need to be careful when going out on a vacation. Road trips are better avoided.

Health will be excellent. But do not overdo your eating and neglect your physical activity. This is a good time to pamper yourself with beauty treatments, spa massages and a complete makeover.

You will be very popular with your family and friends. Everyone will look up to you and consult you in helping them solve their problems.

9 Libra September Horoscope 2017


The September 2017 Libra horoscope predicts that important career decisions will need to be made with a clear mind. Love and sexual pleasures will be a priority this month.

Libra HoroscopeLove and sexual desires will play an important role in your relationships.

Professional and favourable business outcomes are predicted if you can make the right decisions without too much of confusion.

Financial investments might bring you some loss this month. But you will make up the losses later in the month.

Travel or long journey to spiritual places is forecast for September 2017.

Health forecast is excellent for this month. Beauty treatments will keep you occupied this month.

Librans will enjoy quality time with friends and family this month.

8 Libra August Horoscope 2017


Libra Horoscope 2017 2016August 2017 forecast for Libra sun sign predicts that this month you will achieve all the things you put your mind to. Luck is on your side, so do not delay. Be it work, love or health, everything will be favourable if you make a little effort.

Love life will be fantastic in August 2017. You need to support and understand your partner if you want your relationship to become serious. Romance and sex life will be affected by planetary transits.

On the work front, your skills will be appreciated. You hard work and focus will reap excellent rewards. Listen to your boss’ advice when in trouble.

Good work and love will make you fly this month. So a little bit of indulgence in luxury can be expected. Do not take unwanted risks when it comes to lotteries, share trading and speculation.

Librans who have been affected with bad health in the previous months will recover this month. Mood swings can ruin your life if you do not take necessary steps to control your depression.

Short travels for relaxation will do you a lot of good this month.

Family life may be a bit stressed due to communication problems at home. Parents, spouse, children may not accept your decisions.

7 Libra July Horoscope 2017


Librans will find July 2017 to be satisfactory and beneficial. Take time to plan changes in career, love, relationships and education and you are bound to see the results for yourself.


New friendships and relationships can boost your love life. Improving and stabilizing relations will not be a priority for you this month, according to the 2017 Libra love horoscope.


Libra Astrology 2017 20162017 Libra career horoscope predicts that work will be stressful and demanding. You may get into unwanted arguments with colleagues.


Bad health is predicted for Libra astrology sign because of bad alignment of planets in horoscope chart. Retrograde planets will add to the misery if you do not take proper precautions.


Financial obligations for the Librans will be fulfilled this month without any problems.


The Libra 2017 horoscope advices that travel for business is not auspicious. But foreign travel with loved ones can also improve your relations.


Family life will be hampered this month. Be prepared for fights and disagreements with family members. Children may not listen to you and end up in some serious problems.


6 Libra June Horoscope 2017


June 2017 monthly horoscope for the Libra zodiac sign predicts a month of changes and difficult times. Old beliefs and perceptions will give away to new ideas and thoughts.

Career and professional commitments will become a priority in June 2017 for the Libra sun sign people. You will need to put in all your efforts to be successful in completing your targets.

Love forecast for Librans asks you to take special interest in your partner if you want your relationship to work out.

June 2017 finance predictions for the Librans warns you to be careful with money. Save more and spend less. Do not indulge yourself by buying luxurious and expensive stuff that you don't need.

A planned vacation may get postponed due to unexpected turn of events. Foreign and business trips are better postponed.

Health and wellbeing will be much better than the previous months. Continue your natural healing therapies and be assured of good health.

June 2017 too will be filled with fun and frolic with friends and family. Your relationships will be tested. You will need to be mentally strong if you wish to overcome all adverse situations.

May 2017


May 2017 predictions for the Libra zodiac sign will be excellent and beneficial in all terms. Things will settle down in your personal and professional life this month.

Love in May 2017 for the Librans can be good as well as bad. Do away with all messy relations and start afresh with your chosen partner. Indulge in moderate sexual activities and do not go overboard with your passion.

Libra AstrologyCareer predictions for the Libra sun sign predicts that you will get very good opportunities this month on the work front. Persistence and hard work is the key to your success.

Finances for the Librans will improve in May 2017. Make a stable strategy for savings and managing your income and expenses.

Health horoscope for May 2017 for the Libra shows better overall health than the previous months. You will be mentally sensitive or intuitive and will thus come to terms with your past life and current Karma. This is a good time to detoxify your body and rejuvenate your body, soul and mind with natural and holistic healing.

Your astrology chart forecasts that a short vacation with family and friends will do you a lot of good.

Like the previous month, May 2017 too will be socially hectic for the Libra zodiac sign.

April 2017


April 2017 will be a month of good fortune for the Libra zodiac sign. Spiritual healing will be a priority this month. You will be socially very active in April 2017.

Libra Monthly HoroscopesThe Libra horoscope 2017 for April forecasts that the planets are in favour for an exciting love life. Choose your partner wisely. Do not be hasty in choosing your partner.

Career and work will be great this month. Some business related decisions may get delayed but do not lose heart. Maintain good relations with colleagues. Innovation will be the key to your success in professional ventures.

Finance predictions for Libra astrology sign, warns you to tighten the purse strings. The social commitments will take a toll on your pocket.

Short trips with family is predicted for the Libra sun sign in April 2017.

April 2017 will be a delicate period where health is concerned for the Librans. You will need to eat healthy and be cautious about your body. Alternative therapies like body massage, reflexology and yoga exercises will give you a lot of relief.

Friends, family and relatives will be your priority this month. The 2017 April Libra monthly horoscope predicts that you may face some kind opposition from elders.

March 2017


March 2017 for Librans will be a time for self assessment. Do not expect to accomplish your goals other than those that are realistic. This month will teach you to prepare yourself mentally and physically for difficult times that may come in the future.

Love predictions for Libra zodiac sign warns you from taking risks in relationships. Compatibility issues with partner can sour relations. Divorce or breakups will need to be avoided.

On the career front, this month is the right time to build up on your resources rather than expecting to forge forward. Business people who have new ventures on mind should put it on hold for this month.    

Financial position in March 2017 for Libra will be tough but manageable if you make the right decisions.

This month may not be the right time for travel and journeys. Wait till the end of the year for romantic trips and family vacations.

Health will not to be too great and will require extra precaution on your part. Eat healthy food that builds your stamina. Mental anguish and suffering too can affect your emotionally.

Family and social life will be phenomenal. Family and friends will provide you with the right kind of support that will help you tide over bad times.

February 2017


Libra star sign people have a good month ahead. Health will be an issue but of not much importance. Personal communication will play an important role as to whether you will be successful in your personal and professional life.

Career and professional forecast warns you to be extremely careful in your dealings. You need to be diplomatic if you wish to be successful on your job.

Love and romance in relationships will be satisfying. New relations will bond together and old ones will only get stronger. Serious and casual affairs will be on a high this month. Do not take your partner for granted.

Finance and money is good this month. But you may not be serious about making any kind of long term investments.

Business related travel will be fruitful.

Health predictions are good for this month. Proper diet and food habits will need to be followed. Natural remedies will prove to be beneficial. Being physically fit and active will be the key to overcoming all your health problems.

Enjoy time with family and friends. Good times will be treasured and will never come back. Try to understand your family’s point of view before coming to important decisions.

January 2017


Libra 2017 January astrology forecast says that this is a month for relationships and family. You will learn to be careful in your dealings with others. This month is not good for making any investments or any other important decision.

Libra Monthly HoroscopeLove horoscope for Libra sun sign is encouraging this month. Librans who are single have chances of finding their right partner. Love compatibility in couples already in a relationship will grow to flattering levels. Do not be controlling in your relationships else it won’t last long.

Career and job predictions show lot of growth and potential in this coming year. You will have an opportunity to experience new responsibilities as well as share your knowledge with others. Avoid getting into any kind of arguments.

Unexpected expenses will trouble you this month. So keep a tight control over your purse strings.

If you are planning on taking a vacation then travel will be tiring and affect your health. Avoid going on personal or professional trips this month.

Health and wellbeing analysis for the Libra star sign will be under control. Take extra care of your food and diet. Do not eat after long gaps. Regular yoga exercises will prove to be beneficial.

Fights and arguments at home should be avoided. Control your anger and make decisions wisely.

Chinese Horoscope 2017


Click Here >> Chinese Libra Dog Horoscope 2017


Monthly Horoscopes For The 12 Zodiac Signs
Aries Monthly Horoscope Taurus Monthly Horoscope Gemini Monthly Horoscope Cancer Monthly Horoscope Leo Monthly Horoscope Virgo Monthly Horoscope
Libra Monthly Horoscope Scorpio Monthly Horoscope Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope Capricorn Monthly Horoscope Aquarius Monthly Horoscope Pisces Monthly Horoscope




Libra Horoscope

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