Future So Bright

2016 Monthly Horoscope For Capricorn

Article posted on April 17, 2014 and it has been read by 79714 people

Capricorn monthly horoscope gives astrological predictions on love, career, health, money, family and other important aspects of your life. Get and instant overview of the future with these astrology forecasts.


Capricorn 2016 Horoscopes
January (2016)

February (2016)

March (2016) April (2016) May (2016) June
July August September October November December


5 Capricorn May Horoscope 2016


Monthly Horoscope for May 2016 for Capricorn star sign indicates that the momentum of growth will be slow and steady during the month. You will have to pay attention to improve your social skills as teamwork will be the basis of your progress. People in marketing of products will have an excellent period and all their promotions will be successful.


Capricorn May Horoscope 2016 foretells that single people will find new partners during the month, while those in relationship will see their partnership grow further.


Career forecasts are good for the unemployed and they will get good jobs. Working fraternity will have to put in more effort to accomplish their objectives.


Financial astrology prospects are in a long term uptrend. Income will go up substantially after the third week of the month.


Health predictions are outstanding during May 2016.Sportsmen will have a successful outing during the latter part of the month.


Domestic matters are focused more on children, and many opportunities to party and enjoy will present themselves.

4 Capricorn April Horoscope 2016


Predictions for Capricorn for April 2016 forecast that they should concentrate on domestic issues, such as having family parties and making improvements to the house. They should listen to their social contacts before taking any major decisions. April 2016 will be a happy and delightful month in all matters.


capricorn 20162016 April Capricorn career horoscope forewarns that you should work on the emotional side of your career. Your originality at work will be recognized.


Monetary prospects are a bit wobbly for the Capricorn zodiac sign in April 2016. Major expenses should be put on hold and investments require proper scrutiny warns your finance astrology for the month.


Single people will have many occasions to form new relationships without any dedication. There will be more partying and excitement foretells your monthly love predictions.


Physical fitness will improve in the second half of the month. Regular exercise and proper diet are the keys to fitness.


Family concerns require enough attention. All disagreements should be resolved amicably and harmony has to be restored.

3 Capricorn March Horoscope 2016


March 2016 horoscope for Capricorn born people forecasts that this is the time to execute your projects which were planned earlier. This will require you to get along with others and get their cooperation. The month requires you to spend more time with family members and keep professional matters in the background to some extent. This is the time to deal with things in a calm and peaceful manner.

Finances will be more than enough to meet all the expenses and money for investments will be available.

Career forecasts caution Capricorn people to be cautious while employing new people. New jobs should be examined thoroughly before getting into them.

Love predictions indicate that there will not be any new serious affairs during March 2016 and you will be happy with the present relationships.

Health astrology points to sound state of health during the first half of the month. You have to take it easy during the second half.

Family matters should get priority in March 2016. Concentrate on emotional aspect of members. Try to improve the domestic environment with new furnishing and renovations.

2 Capricorn February Horoscope 2016


February 2016 will see Capricorn people concentrating on increasing their social circle by selecting experienced partners. The time is suitable for making major changes to your house and focusing on problems on the home front. Your objectives in life will not meet any resistance and success is assured. Your self confidence and self sufficiency will see significant improvement.


The 2016 February Capricorn horoscope predicts that your professional career will face challenges as per the forecast. Your colleagues will not be cooperative and you will be highly stressed in your work environment.


Your love life is predicted to be excellent and will compensate for problems at the work place. Unmarried persons will find new partners.


Financial position according to the 2016 February money forecasts for the Capricorn zodiac sign are highly encouraging and you will rectify all the mistakes in your investment strategy.


2016 Health Horoscope foretells that health will be superb and will improve further during the second half of the month.


Family members will get all the attention they need from you. However it is advisable not to spend all your earnings on them.

1 Capricorn January Horoscope 2016


January 2016 horoscope for the Capricorn zodiac sign predicts a month of prosperity and lot of hard work. Career and business will be stable but challenging. Do not be stubborn in your relationships. Enjoyment with friends is on the cards. It is time to take your relationship to the next level. Relations with family will improve.

capricornCapricorn love astrology predictions for January 2016 foretells that you will want your relationships to succeed but sometimes it might just not materialize. Your lover might not spare you the time that you are asking for.

Career horoscope January 2016 for Capricorn forecasts challenges and new opportunities. Be sure to rise up to the situation and success will definitely be yours. Business people will succeed in new ventures.

Financially, January 2016 will be a good month. Your previous investments will yield good returns. Money planning needs to be done.

Your travel plans might not work out in January 2016. It’s better to avoid journeys of all kinds this month.

Capricorn health forecasts predict that you need to control your diet if you wish to lose weight. This is essential or else it might lead to other health ailments.  

Social occasions will keep you happy throughout January 2016. You will do your best to understand your children, parents and spouse and try to know what is on their mind.

12 Capricorn December Horoscope 2017


2017CapricornDecember 2017 will be a month of changes for people of the Capricorn sun sign. You will get total support from colleagues, family and friends. Singles might get married. Finances might be a bit strained.

Love is in the air for the Capricorn people, according to the 2017 December love horoscope. Weddings are on the cards. Couples who are married will be blissfully happy.

Expect a lot of pressure on your work front. The 2017 career horoscope predicts that this is a good month to complete all unfinished tasks before moving on to new ones. You might even look for a new job.

Financial balance is needed. You may face some disappointment with banks related to loans and investments.

Overall health is excellent according to the 2017 health forecasts for December. You might even think of joining some weight loss programs. Keep an eye on what you eat and maintain a healthy diet.

The 2017 travel astrology predictions for Capricorn sign foretell that no travel or journey plans are foreseen for this month.

Socially, people will be attracted towards you. You will get excellent support from you loved ones when it comes to serious issues.

11 Capricorn November Horoscope 2017


Capricorn 2017 AstrologyCapricorn horoscope for 2017 November predicts a month full of activity. You will be busy throughout the month both for work as well as pleasure. Expect a lot of travelling. Love life will be rewarding.

Love and romance will be full of fun and pleasure. Your partner will support and respect your ideas. Singles may get involved in flings. Sexual passion will seal the bond in many relationships.

Work and business will be hectic. Important projects and assignments will give you sleepless nights according to the 2017 career horoscope predictions. Your efforts and hard work will bear fruitful results.

Financial stability is forecast for this month, thanks to your increased earning. Maintain a budget to control your expenses. Do not go on a shopping spree.

Capricorn astrology sign people can expect business trips and personal vacations this month. You will always be on the move.

Health will be good overall. You will look at ways to attain mental peace with mediation, aura healing and yoga.

Your family will need your help on many fronts. Children will look forward to your support.

10 Capricorn October Horoscope 2017

October 2017 Capricorn horoscope forecasts an overall average month which needs some special attention. Health problems might occur. Career and finance need to be managed properly.

Scorpio October Horoscope 2017Capricorn compatibility in love relationships will be stagnant in this period. Your expectations from your partner might disappoint you.

October 2017 career horoscope predicts a favorable month provided you have your priorities straight. Your confidence and hard work in business deals will pay off.

Finance predictions warn that this will be a difficult month for the Capricorn sun sign. Avoid all unwanted spending and do not invest in any risky speculation deals.

Relocation to a new place is on the cards for people who wish to move to a new place.

Health for older Capricorns might be a bit difficult. Heart problems and diabetes related issues might be on a rise. Eat healthy and maintain a regular exercise regime to avoid unwanted ailments.

Your parents or children might face some problems in their relationships. Be sure to support them.

9 Capricorn September Horoscope 2017

Capricorn Horoscope September 2017 2016Capricorn sun sign people will be keen on patching up personal and professional relationships in September 2017.

Capricorn horoscope for 2017 September predicts that you will have no time for love and romance unless you make the time for it.

Professional predictions are favourable this month. Learn to relax and delegate work instead of carrying the whole burden yourself.

Money will come from unexpected people and investments.

There may not be any plans for travel and holidays this month.

Health needs to be taken care of. Do not neglect your exercise and fitness regime.

Family and children will need your love and support to tide over stressful times.

8 Capricorn August Horoscope 2017


August 2017 Capricorn horoscope asks for commitment from your side. Health, money and family relations will prosper if you respect others and understand their feelings.

You will have the courage to proclaim your love for your beloved without any fear this month. This is a good month to tie the knot.

Career for the Capricorn zodiac sign will be excellent this month. You can rise up the corporate ladder with a little bit of work and good people’s skills.

Your talents and skills will be appreciated by a rise in your salary. Your financial planning will bear fruitful results.

A vacation or a short trip with friends will be rejuvenating.

Health and wellbeing will be improved. You will take part in spiritual activities to calm your mind.

You may need the help of your family to work out things at home predicts the Capricorn astrology forecast for August 2017.

7 Capricorn July Horoscope 2017


July 2017 forecasts for the Capricorn sun sign shows that this will be a month of mixed fortunes. Plan well before you begin any new venture. Enjoyment with family and friends is on the cards. Love and family relationships will improve only if you put in some extra effort.


The 2017 Capricorn love forecasts show that you will meet your would-be partner in some social gathering. There may be some minor arguments and fights between couples that will get sorted out.


Capricorn 2017 2016New business ventures and deals will go through with ease. Business partnerships may face some problems. Changes in career and jobs are foreseen.


Finances will be a bit slow according to the Capricorn finance horoscope for 2017. Keep your expenses to the minimum.


Health will be excellent in July 2017. But you need to maintain a healthy routine in order to overcome stress related diseases. Capricorn sexuality will be high for both men and women of this astrology sign.


Travel and vacations may be planned in the coming months.


Family weddings, outings and functions will keep you busy through July 2017.


6 Capricorn June Horoscope 2017


June 2017 for the Capricorn zodiac sign will be a period of transformations and modifications. You should not get upset with the changes but go ahead with a smile.

2017-monthly-love-horoscopeCapricorn love horoscope for June 2017 predicts a trying and difficult month. Take time to understand your partner better. Singles will be ready to commit to a relationship.

Career predictions for the month signify hard work and tremendous effort. This is the right time for you to concentrate on building your skills and upgrading your knowledge. This is a good time for job changes. Business ventures may or may not go through.

Finances will be stable for June 2017 forecasts the Capricorn astrology for this month. Do not expect to get instant returns on your investments.

It is not a bad idea to go for a short relaxing vacation.

Overall health will be good this in June 2017. But that does not mean that you neglect your heath. There are still some chances of you suffering from the effects of the previous months. Keep a positive mind and all your health problems will be solved with the right diet and exercise.

Family and friends will keep you busy this month. Relationship with siblings, parents and spouse may be a bit strained.

May 2017


May 2017 for the Capricorns will be a time of indulgence. You will need to learn to enjoy yourself and take everything in your stride. Karma plays an important role in your life this month.

Capricorn 2017Love and romance will be full of fun. You will have an exciting time with your partner. Couples planning to have a child can go ahead. Make your relationships more creative and interesting.

Capricorn career horoscope forecast success in all your professional endeavours. Your hard work will pay off. Stability in work and business is forecasted. This is also a good time to change jobs.

Money predictions for the Capricorn zodiac sign predicts that you may make some profit from speculative investments. This is also a good time to invest in property.

This is a good time for you to try out some kind of adventure travel.

Health astrology 2017 forecast for May is positive. You will be much better and full of vitality and vigour. But do take care of your body and indulge yourself with some self healing massages, therapies and aromatherapy treatments.

People of the Capricorn sun sign will be very active socially in May 2017. You will enjoy the company of friends and family.

April 2017


April 2017 for the Capricorn zodiac sign signifies stability in career and finance but health will be delicate. Metaphysical therapies can bring you a lot of relief.

Love and romance is not your priority for this month. Emotions will run high. So be sure to keep your calm in relationships.

Career predictions are favourable in April 2017. Certain profitable business deals are in the making. Job and professional commitments will continue from the previous month.

Capricorn Zodiac SignFinance horoscope for the Capricorn predicts monetary stability in April 2017. Your proficiency in your work will win you laurels.

You will plan for a holiday or a vacation which may materialize towards the end of the month.

Health problems will continue this month. Take prevention against lifestyle diseases like diabetes, high cholesterol, blood pressure. Spiritual healing techniques will help reduce stress to a great extent. Crystal therapy and aura healing are recommended.

April 2017 is a difficult time for family relationships. You will have to ask for support if you need their cooperation. You will be entertaining guests and friends throughout this month.

Capricorn astrology monthly forecast for April 2017 foretells that this month you should work towards your targets without worrying about the fruits of your labour.

March 2017


March 2017 for the Capricorn is the start of a new phase of life. You will be determined to achieve your goals and follow your resolutions till the end. Your communications skills will be very good this month.

Capricorn March 2017
Psychological development is a must if you want to have a happy compatible relationship. You will question about true love. But people will be attracted by the Capricorn sex appeal.

Career astrology predictions are favorable for March 2017. Capricorn sun sign people will be on the lookout for new jobs or changes from their current work profile. This is an excellent time to start new projects in business.

Finances will be good this month. You will be in a mood to take risks with money as you do on your work front.

Traveling for networking with people can prove to be profitable in the long run.

Health will be stressful towards the end of the month. Do not let minor disputes affect your mental and physical wellbeing. Relax and meditate with prayer beads whenever possible.

Family life will take precedence over your career. You will need to have a lot of patience while dealing with your family members and their unreasonable demands.

February 2017


February 2017 for the Capricorn star sign is the right month to sit back and think about what you want to do next. Mental development and peace of mind will be achieved this month.

Capricorn Star signLove and romance in office and workplace will add some fun to your life. Do not take these romantic affairs seriously and enjoy them as long as they last.

Career opportunities will be abundant. Make the right choices and follow your intuition. Your mind will guide you in completing all tasks. But you need to think about the future of your professional aspirations.

Financial power will continue to grow this month. You will be successful in making the right decisions when it comes to saving and investing. Pay off old debts and loans.

Travel for work and business is predicted for this month. You may also start planning some long journeys.

Your health astrology forecast is not too good. You may be a bit down this month with many aches and pains. Alternative healing methods like yoga, aromatherapy, massage therapy, and reflexology treatment will give you a lot of relief.

Overall relationship with family will be good. But do not let your ego cause unwanted disagreements and arguments. There will be some good times with family and friends.

January 2017


Capricorn January 2017 horoscope predicts that overall this will be a beneficial month for personal development and reliance. You will be blessed with a happy family. You will be satisfied in all aspects of your personal and professional life.

Monthly Capricorn HoroscopeCapricorn star sign people will see that love compatibility with their partner is extremely assuring. Relationships will improve between married couples and all misunderstandings will be sorted out.

Career prediction for January 2017 is favourable. You will work very well as a team with your colleagues and attain total job satisfaction. Your seniors too will help you with their guidance. Partnership businesses need to be taken care of wisely.

Financial stability will start to come in this month. You will have a regular source of income from your business or profession.

Travel for work will be mandatory but tiring. So try to plan in advance to reduce any kind of discomfort if possible.

Health astrology reading foretells an energetic month. Health and vigour will be here to stay for the Capricorn zodiac people. But do not underestimate your energy. You may face some problems related to digestion and bones but that can be handled with proper diet and physical fitness.

Your family and loved ones will start understanding the reasons for your actions. All bad vibes will disappear and you will be once again on good terms with friends and relatives.



Click Here >> Chinese Capricorn Ox Horoscope 2017


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