Future So Bright

3 Most Popular Love Meters

Article posted on March 29, 2013 and it has been read by 12670 people

The most popular love compatibility tests worldwide are the ones based on name, numerology and astrology. Know more about the accuracy of these love calculators from first-hand experience of users.


Love MeterCatherine got an email from one of her friends. It was casual forward that friends send to each other. It had a link which when clicked opened a webpage that had love tests. Now everyone likes to think about how their love life would be and who will be that special someone. So, with all those fantasies, she started typing her name and her crush’s name into the name based love test. That test required just her name and her guy’s name. After she entered and clicked Submit, the webpage predicted that their love is likely to succeed and both are more than 90% compatible. She felt excited and decided to try out the two other tests in the same page.


Love TestThe next one was a love test based on numerology. Again she had to enter both of their names/date of birth and based on the numerology behind their names/date of birth, their love compatibility was predicted. The last one was love test based on astrology. In love by zodiac signs, date of birth of the couples was entered and based on some astrological concepts applied to it, their love compatibility is predicted.


She was totally elated over the results that those three love tests delivered for her. She wanted to know the truth behind how love compatibility can be predicted by using numerology, name and astrology. So she consulted a friend of her who had been practicing astrology and numerology.


Catherine: “Hi Rebecca, How are you?”


Rebecca: “Hi Kat, I am fine. So what’s up?”


Love NumerologyCatherine: “Well, I tried out three love tests and they all returned that I have good love compatibility with my crush about whom I have told you before. So I wanted to know the logic behind the compatibility calculator and how my love compatibility is predicted by numerology, astrology and name.”


Rebecca: “Oh, wow. Congrats. (giggles) To begin with, you could have consulted me on this. I lost a lovely client. But to be serious, these things have turned out to be true, most of the times. The love tests that you take online are in fact correct and make things happen if you are really true in your love.


See, your name is a mark laid upon you by almighty and He uses it to track your life. That is why your name has some divine association and when people call you name in right manner, you achieve great success in life. Also, the moment you are named, your partner’s compatibility is destined. Similarly for your guy, his name and his date of birth are already decided by God so that he remains with you throughout your life.”


love compatibilityCatherine: “Wow, that sounds great. “


Rebecca: “Yeah. That is why your name should be spelt right. Another thing associated with name and date of birth is numerology. When you enter your and your guy’s name/date of birth in one of these love tests, it would usually roll out your love compatibility. Numerologists are consulted before a marriage about how well that relationship would work out. Your love number and his number should have some kind of affinity so that you both can be in the same frequency all through your life is the basis of numerology compatibility.”


Catherine: “Ok, what about that test which asked for zodiac signs?”


Love AstrologyRebecca: “Astrology is the most important tool in finding your love compatibility. Vedic astrology talks about marriage compatibility in detail and only when more than 80% match is found for two horoscopes, do they setup a marriage. Also your love life can also be predicted using love astrology. All it requires is your zodiac signs. Each star sign has friendly signs and enemy signs. And your lover’s sign should be more than friendly with your zodiac sign. Few zodiac signs get well with each other such that they can easily catch the wind that they are born for each other.”


Catherine: “Had a nice time. Thanks!”


Rebecca: “You are welcome and hopefully, our next meeting will be at your marriage.”


Catherine blushed and then started for home.






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