Future So Bright

Major Planets In Astrology

Article posted on April 28, 2013 and it has been read by 10977 people

Planets ZodiacAncient Greeks looked up at the sky and tracked the movement of white dots, which moved faster than the dots that appeared fixed. The dots that appeared fixed were the stars and the dots that moved more are the planets. Of course, the term planets came from the Greek equivalent for the term wandering stars.
Astrologers believed that planets had a direct influence on the lives of people and it represents the basic urges. These planets also exert influence on the people based on their position in the zodiac signs. There are planets that are beneficial to people or bring havoc to people based on their position in their horoscope.

Western astrology uses seven planets, while Vedic astrology uses nine planets. While Western astrology uses Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, Vedic astrology adds Rahu and Ketu to this list. You can see Navagrahas (nine planets) in most of Indian temples. The above list of planets was used in ancient astrology, but in recent times, new planets such as Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are considered important in astrology predictions.


Planets Astrology

Let us look at the major planets in Western Zodiac:
Planets HoroscopeSun: Sun is the planetary ruler of Leo zodiac sign and is represented by Apollo in Greek and Roman mythology. The sun travels around twelve zodiac signs in a year, staying on each sign for one month.  The sun is used to represent conscious ego, personal power, pride, authority and principles of creativity and health.

Moon: Moon is the planetary ruler of Cancer and is represented by Diana in Roman mythology. Astrologically, Moon is associated with a person's emotional make-up, unconscious habits, memories, moods and their ability to react and adapt to those around them. Since it is associated with woman deity, it shows the motherly care and affection.



Mercury: Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo and is represented by Mercury in Roman mythology. Astrologically, Mercury represents the principles of communication, thought process, perception, rational logic and reasoning. This planet governs the schooling and education of person. Mercury retrograde can create problems for a person in all these areas.



Planetary AstrologyVenus: Taurus and Libra sun sign are ruled by Venus and are represented by Venus, the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology. Astrologically, Venus is associated with love, harmony, beauty, feelings and sentiments. Venus also controls your desires for sexual pleasure, comfort and luxuries. This planet governs the romantic relations, marriage and fashion.



Mars: Mars is the ruling planet of Aries star sign and is associated with the Roman god of wars, Mars. Astrologically, Mars is associated with confidence, aggression, energy, strength, ambition and impulsiveness. This planet governs sports, competitions and physical activities in general.



Jupiter: Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and is associated with the Jupiter in Roman mythology. Astrologically, Jupiter is associated with the principles of growth, prosperity, and good fortune. This planet is responsible for legal issues, education, religious thoughts. It is also associated with the urge for freedom and search for the unknown, compassion and caring for others.



PlanetsSaturn: Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn and is associated with the Roman god of agriculture, Saturn. Astrologically, Saturn is associated with restrictions, practical decisions and your reality. Saturn governs aspirations, profession, power and bureaucracy. It concerns a person's sense of duty, discipline and accountability. Saturn also stands for the part of a person concerned with long-term planning.




Of late, planets like Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are taken into consideration in horoscope predictions.

Uranus: Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and governs genius. Astrologically, Uranus represents genius, independence, new and innovative plans and schemes, discoveries, and the mental frame of mind for a revolution. Uranus governs group activities in societies, clubs, and any group dedicated to helping others and at the same time opening the path for progress.




Neptune: The zodiac sign Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune, the Roman god of sea. Modern Western astrologers associate the planet Neptune with creativity, idealism and compassion. This planet governs different institutions like sanatoriums, hospitals, prisons, monastery or places that are separate in the real world.




Pluto: Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and is associated with the Roman god of underworld, Pluto. Astrologically, Pluto is considered to represent that part of a person that is destroyed in order to renew, through bringing buried. This planet governs big business and wealth.



Minor Planets In Astrology


This article was tagged : Planets astrology, Zodiac planets
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