Future So Bright

Find Your Enneagram Personality Type

Article posted on December 15, 2012 and it has been read by 9078 people

Freud was once asked to define the elements of a fulfilling life; he is said to have answered, “to love and to work.”


A couple of generations have passed by, since then, and now it is being observed that Freud did give the most compact and appropriate answer. At present, we do indeed devote most of our time and energy to matters of the heart and the mind; most of our joys and sorrows concern our relationships and career.


Enneagram Test

The Enneagram describes the nine different ways of relating in intimacy and business. The nine personalities are part of a human development model called the ‘Enneagram’. The term has been derived from a Greek word Ennea which means ‘nine’ and gram which means ‘model’.


The nine personalities of a human being or personality types are discussed as follows:


  1. The Perfectionist : They feel the world is an imperfect place. I work towards perfection.

    Prime Focus:

               a. Avoiding errors and evils and searching for perfection.

b. High moral character.

c. Think right.

d. Do right.

e. Be right.

f. Compulsive work load can block out unacceptable feelings.

g. Unwanted anger caused by unmet needs.

h. Worry in decision making.

     2.    The Giver : For them, people in the world need my help. I am needed.

             Prime Focus:

            a. Avoid own needs and help others. Thus gaining approval.

            b. Pride in being indispensable. 

            c. A sense of having different selves to serve the purposes.

            d. Hard to recognize own needs.

            e. Confusion arises between the different personalities.

            f. Wanting freedom.

            e. Emphatic emotional connections.


     3.   The Performer : For them, the world values champion. I must avoid failure.
           Prime Focus:

            a. Achievement, productiveness and performance.

            b. Competition and efficiency.

            c. Poor access to emotional life.

            d. Convergent thinking.

            e. Chameleon i.e. changing roles and images.

            f. Self deception.



      4.   The Romantic : For them, something is missing. Others have it. I have been abandoned.
          Prime Focus:

            a. Avoiding the ordinary.

            b. Mood, manners, luxury hedge low self esteem.

            c. Attracted to the mood of melancholy.

            d. Disdaining ordinary life.

            e. Wanting the best of what is missing.

            f. Emotional sensitivity and depth.

            g. Feelings of loss.

      5.   The Observer : They feel the world is invasive. I need privacy to think and refuel my energies.
            Prime Focus:

            a. Preoccupied with privacy.

            b. Avoiding emptiness.

            c. Valuing emotional control.

            d. The power of knowing.

            e. Confusing spiritual non attachment.


People Communication

    6.   The Trooper : They feel the world is a threatening place. I question authority.


           Prime focus:

            a. Procrastinating.

            b. High goals.

            c. Anxiety peaks with success.

            d. Amnesia about success.

            e. Authority problems.

            f. Suspecting other’s motives.

            h. Afraid to recognize own anger.

            i. Skepticism and doubt.

            j. Identifying with underdog causes.


7.   The Epicure : They feel the world is full of opportunities and options. I look forward to the future.

            Prime Focus:

            a. Stimulation.

            b. Maintaining multiple options.

            c. Replacing deep or painful feelings.

            d. Charm as the first line of defense.

    8.   The Boss : They feel the world is an unjust place. I defend the innocent.

            Prime Focus:

            a. Controlling possessions and personal space.

            b. Concerned about unjust and power.

            c. Impulse control.

            d. Excessive self presentation.

            e. Difficulty in recognizing dependency.

            f. Denying other’s point of view.

    9.   The Mediator : They feel the world won’t value my efforts. Stay comfortable. Maintain the peace.
           Prime Focus:

           a. Replacing essential needs with unessential needs.

           b. Confronting self with unessential pleasures.

           c. Ambivalence about personal decisions.

           d. Postponing change by repeating familiar situations.

           e. Hard to initiate changes.

           f. Can’t say no.

           g. Dampening physical anger and energy.


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