Future So Bright

Chinese Horoscope 2017 For The Rooster Zodiac Sign

Article posted on June 14, 2014 and it has been read by 36353 people

Rooster Horoscope 2017Chinese Rooster astrology predictions for 2017 are just a click away! Know more about career, business, money, love and travel for the Roosters in the Year of the Ram.


Things will not be easy for the Rooster animal sign in the Year of the Green Wood Sheep, and you’ll be questioning yourself and your lifestyle. While this may seem a bit severe, it’s the perfect time to re-evaluate your career, finances, and relationships. You will come out rejuvenated and much better for it.


Rooster 2017 predictions show that this coming year will be difficult, and your patience and resolve will be tested. But for all of the obstacles that come your way, you will find the strength to overcome every one. Your determination to thrive is what keeps you moving forward. You will end the year with a new outlook on life.


Career & Business

The Chinese New Year 2017 predictions suggest that the first place the Rooster will see adversity is at your job. There will be a sudden change in the workplace that will throw you off your game. Because of this, you may end up going backwards on your desired career path. But your instinct is to hang on tight and ride out the storm. While it won’t be easy, you have the ability to work your way back to where you were.


Money & Finance

The other thing that can give the Rooster animal sign peace of mind is a secure bank account. Because things are chaotic right now, it’s best to stay away from any major purchases or risky investments. 2017 Chinese horoscope, advices you to save for a rainy day as the forecast is perpetually cloudy.



Rooster 2017 predictions foretell that the second challenge will happen in your love life. If committed, you will rely heavily on your partner for help and that will stress them out. Try to have other sources of comfort so your significant other isn’t the only person you talk to. If single, Roosters will be a bit desperate to find someone who can offer relief. Be careful who you choose, or else you may find yourself adding to your stress with an unhealthy relationship.



But until these difficult choices are behind you, Rooster, your stress levels will be high. Not only will your mental well-being be tested, but your physical health or the health of a family member will start to falter. Chinese astrology 2017 warns that it will be a trying time for everyone involved. Make sure to take care of yourself and those around you. Healthy eating and exercise are the key to staying strong.



As for your other relationships, the 2017 Rooster horoscope predicts that you’ll find some conflict within your inner circle. The family dynamic will be tested, and it’s time to decide who you want to spend more time with and who isn’t worth your time. There will be some tough decisions ahead, but you’ll feel better once you’ve made them. It will be like a weight was lifted off your shoulders.



And when things get really rough, Rooster, try taking a weekend getaway. While you might not have a lot of time or money, there are viable options for cheaper trips. The main thing is to escape your usual surroundings, even if it’s only a car-ride away. Long distance travel isn’t a good idea with all of the strife going on at home, but make sure to clear your head in a different environment.


Rooster in 2017 Chinese astrology will have to combat this by taking time for themselves. Do what you love as often as possible, whether it is a hobby or a sport or just laying around doing nothing. Find whatever calms you down and keeps you focused on the important things, for that is what will get you through the year.


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