Vedic Divisional Charts - Vargas |
Article posted on July 10, 2012 and it has been read by 12036 people |
The zodiac or the Bhachakra is composed of 360 degrees of the celestial space. 30 degrees constitute one sign of the zodiac. Each of these signs is further subdivided into a number of other divisions. These kinds of divisions are known as Vargas or divisional charts in Vedic astrology.
Vargas is based on the assumption that planets increase or decrease in their capacity to produce good or inflict bad, in a horoscope, according to their particular positions within a sign. They become highly potent by occupying certain kinds of divisions. For predictive purposes, the Vargas or divisional charts can be used with great advantages.
There are all together 16 kinds of Vargas. They are:
A detailed discussion of the various Vargas is as follows:
1. Rasi: Rasi means Sign. Rasi forms the arc of 30 degrees of a zodiacal sign. The twelve zodiac signs are the twelve Rasis. Physical health of a person, his wealth, fame and prosperity are generally mentioned in the Rasi chart. Rasi Varga is employed for predicting events pertaining to the body.
2. Hora: When a sign is divided into two equal parts, each is called a Hora. In odd signs, like the Aries, Gemini etc, the first hora is governed by the sun and the second by the Moon. Again in even signs, the first hora is governed by the Moon and the second by the Sun. Hora rules over the wealth of an individual.
3. Drekkana: When a sign is divided into three equal parts, then each part is called the Drekkana. Drekkana rules over an individual’s relation with his brothers and sisters. The first Drekkana is governed by the lord Rasi, the second by the lord fifth from it and the third by the lord ninth from it.
4. Chaturthamsa: Rules over the educational affairs. When a sign is divided into four equal parts, each part is known as Chaturthamsa. The lord of the first Chaturthamsa is the lord Rasi and the second, third and fourth is ruled by the lord fourth, seventh and tenth from it respectively.
5. Sapthamsa: When a sign is divided into seven equal parts, each part is known as Sapthamsa. This sign has its effects over the children. In case of odd signs, they are governed by the lords of the first seven rasis and in case of even numbers they are ruled by the planetary lords of the seventh and the following signs.
6. Navamsa: The most important subdivision amongst the Hindus. When a sign is divided into nine equal parts, each part is called the Navamsa. It rules over the relation that prevails between the husband and wife. The successful forecasts made by astrologers have this system as the basis.
7. Dwasamsa: The division of each sign into 10 equal parts is known as dwasamsa. Occupation is governed by the Dwasamsas. In odd signs, the lord of the Dwasamsas commence from the owner of the sign itself while in even numbers the rulers are the lords of the ninth and the following houses.
8. Dwadasamsa: When a sign is divided into twelve equal parts, each part is called the Dwadasamsa. The lords of the Dwadasamsas in a sign are the lords of the twelve signs from it. And the sign is said to rule over parents.
9. Shodasamsa: When a sign is divided into sixteen equal parts, each part is called the Shodasamsa. It looks after the cherished desires of an individual. The lords of the sixteen Shodasamsas in movable, fixed and common signs are the lords of the signs counted from Aries, Leo and Sagittarius respectively.
10. Vimsamsa: When a sign is divided into twenty equal parts, each part is called the Vimsamsa and it is said to look after the spiritual and scientific achievements.
11. Chaturvimsamsa: Each one-twenty-fourth part of a sign goes under the name of Chaturvimasamsa. Educational attainments are looked after by this sign. In odd signs, the lord of the first division is the Sun. In case of even numbers, the lord of the first part is the Moon.
12. Bhamsa: When a sign is divided into twenty seven equal parts, each part is called the Bhamsa. It rules over the misfortunes of an individual.
13. Thrimsamsa: When a sign is divided into thirty equal parts, each part is called the Thrimsamsa.
14. Khavedamsa: Rules over the good and bad luck. When a sign is divided into thirty equal parts, each part is called the Khavedamsa.
15. Akshavedamsa: When a sign is divided into forty five equal parts, each part is called the Akshavedamsa. These forty five parts are governed by the lords of the signs calculated regularly from Aries, Leo or Sagittarius and accordingly as the sign concerned is fixed, movable or common.
16. Shashtyamsa: When a sign is divided into sixty equal parts, each part is called the Shashtyamsa. Usually the planetary lord of this sign is not given.