Astrology & Real Estate |
Article posted on July 19, 2012 and it has been read by 10266 people |
Few years back, Kathy Marks - a real estate broker asked her astrologer a captivating question - "Can astrology help me make money?" For the next 12 months they started working together using astrology charts to predict times and auspicious moments as to when the real estate properties would go on the market. Both were surprised, during that very period Kathy's properties moved 35% faster than the properties of any other brokers in her office.
The answering of questions in the light of planetary influences is popularly known as Horary Astrology or the Prasna Sastra. It relates to the important events in the daily events and happenings of human life. This branch of astrology indeed forms the most useful and prominent aspect of astrological science.
It helps a lot in foretelling the occurrences of many important future events beforehand. How and when a event will take place, what may be their exact nature, when will they terminate favorably, who is instrumental for them and how far are those events beneficial or detrimental to the interest of the party concerned are all foretold by astrologers without reference to the birth chart.
Dealing with real estates is one of the most nerve wrecking activities. To top it, buying and selling houses, land and properties are the most important transactions in the life of almost all of us.
The best part of this branch of astrological study is that, it does not take into consideration the date, time or place of birth of an individual. It has nothing to do with a person's birth chart. The only thing which is considered for answering questions using this form of astrology is the planetary positions and their movements.
In the case of horary astrology, first of all the exact time at which a question is asked and for the time mark, the positions of planets and the Ascendants is ascertained. The ascendant is called the Prasna Lagna or the rising sun at the time of the question.
1. The success and failure of any real estate undertaking, such as buying and selling of land, property and houses should be predicted with reference to the Prasna lagna. The object of the person involved will succeed if a beneficial sun rises and joins the favorable navamsa.
2. If at the time of the query, the rising sun be in the 1st, 4th and the 7th; 2nd, 5th and 8th; and in the 3rd, 6th and the 9th navamsa, success in real estate dealings is bound to happen.
3. If at the time of query, the Saturn is found in an odd sign from the prasna lagna, then it is not a very good time to go ahead with property deals.
4. If the Saturn is in the 7th house, the person asking the question will be acquiring a new property within three months from the date of asking the question.
5. If at the time of query, it is found that the Sun, Venus or Mars joins the 7th house, it refers that the person involved will have sudden property gains. Jupiter in the 7th house indicates that no such gains will be made from real estate dealings.
6. Any planet between the 8th house and the ascendant, predicts the safe return of a person who has gone to foreign land to deal with estates and property.
7. Recovery from property loss should be predicted if the benefic are in prasna lagna.
Suppose a person wants to know whether his stolen goods can be regained or not, whether an individual suffering from serious illness will recover or not, whether it would be profitable to invest money in any business or not, whether a man will be beneficial through speculation or not, are some of the other areas which can successfully be answered with the help of Horary astrology.