Future So Bright
Mystery Of Bible Astrology
Updated: December 11, 2012
Read: 8248 Times
The Christian Bible has long been used in astrology and fortune telling. Know more about Biblical astrology, Bibliomancy or Bible Divination and the 12 Apostles for the zodiac signs.  more..
Astrology Quotes By Famous People
Updated: July 23, 2012
Read: 8187 Times
The importance of the stars and planets in astrology is paramount. A person's desires and destiny, his fate and fortune, his success and failures are said to be affected by the planetary positions and movements.  more..
Astrology Forecast For Fame & Finance
Updated: January 30, 2013
Read: 89594 Times
Will I be rich? Will I make money? Will I be prosperous? What about my position in society? Astrology can answer all these questions and more from your birth chart or Janam Kundli.  more..
Gemini Zodiac Sign Personality
Updated: July 31, 2012
Read: 10837 Times
Gemini is the zodiac with a double sign. A certain amount of duality is very much apparent in the pure Geminean. Know more about the true Gemini personality in this article.  more..
Scorpio Zodiac - 2016 Health Astrology
Updated: February 6, 2014
Read: 6738 Times
Scorpions are mostly found in good health at least outwardly. Health is Wealth, so resolute Scorpions are requested to take care of their health issues with a little more attention this year.  more..
Free Monthly Horoscopes And Forecasts
Updated: November 1, 2013
Read: 13074 Times
Monthly horoscopes give a detailed astrological overview of the months to come for the twelve zodiac signs. Get your monthly horoscope now!  more..
Karma And Retrograde Planets
Updated: March 20, 2013
Read: 16523 Times
Retrograde planets are said to have a strong connection with your good and bad Karma. Know the effect of retrograde motion on your life and its corresponding Karmic effect.  more..
Can Astrology Help In Diagnosing Diabetes?
Updated: June 29, 2012
Read: 12129 Times
Medical astrology is a vast branch of astrology. This article highlights the fact that diseases like diabetes too, can be predicted based upon the planetary positions in your chart.  more..
Effects Of Planetary Transits
Updated: April 11, 2013
Read: 10901 Times
Planets and transits have always been associated with the astrological predictions for good and bad fortunes. Find out about the influence of planetary transits of Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, & Uranus.  more..
Sagittarius Zodiac - The Archer
Updated: July 31, 2012
Read: 9949 Times
All pure Sagittarius have enormous potential, but by no means do all of them display the qualities in their early lives. Along with their carelessness, they have a freedom-loving personality and an open and generous heart.  more..
Stock Market Astrology Predictions
Updated: May 10, 2013
Read: 14729 Times
Stock Market astrology is one of the most popular implementation of astrology with respect to the real world. This article gives an overview on how the transits of the planets affect the stock market.  more..
Astrology Advice For Parents & Children
Updated: May 22, 2013
Read: 31254 Times
The astrological chart or the natal chart of an individual illustrates the parent-child relationship. Parents can understand their children and this can assist them in parenting their kids throughout their life.  more..
The Astrology Of Attitude
Updated: July 3, 2012
Read: 11001 Times
It is with the help of this astrological signs and charts that the attitude of human beings can also be revealed. Knowing our individual attitudes including our good as well as the bad traits can help us in improving ourselves.  more..
Scorpio - The Scorpion – Zodiac Personality
Updated: December 15, 2012
Read: 12943 Times
Scorpio star sign is believed to be one of the most powerful zodiac signs. The keywords that describe a Scorpio the best are 'forceful' and 'dynamic'. The Scorpios are basically intense and powerful.  more..
Cancer - The Crab - Zodiac Personality
Updated: August 3, 2012
Read: 13755 Times
The psychological nature of the pure Cancer is rather like the physical nature of the crab - a hard outer shell conceals an inner interior that is soft and vulnerable to injury. Know the Cancerians better.  more..
Karmic Astrology - Understand Your Current Spiritual Goals
Updated: July 16, 2013
Read: 37261 Times
Karmic astrology shows the influence of the positions of the moon's north and south nodes on your personality and future.  more..
Birthstones For The Months – July To December
Updated: July 16, 2012
Read: 5431 Times
This article is a continuation of the discussion on birthstones for the 12 months in a year. Read on to know more about the birthstones for the months from July to December.  more..
Diet Advice For The Zodiac
Updated: July 16, 2012
Read: 9233 Times
All humans experience deficiency or excess of certain constituent elements. It is very essential that we adjust and change our food habits and diet accordingly.  more..
The 3 Minor Planets In Astrology
Updated: April 29, 2013
Read: 6685 Times
Some of the important minor planets in our astrology are Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. These planets influence important aspects of our lives.  more..
Get Your Astrology Birth Chart To Know Your Future
Updated: March 30, 2013
Read: 204738 Times
A person's horoscope or character description or the astrological birth chart is calculated by taking into account the exact birth date, time and place of the person.  more..