An important astrological factor is the ‘rising sign’, i.e. the sign of the zodiac that is on the horizon at the time of birth. Along with the sun sign the ascendant too determines our personality. more..
The pure Capricorn has many earthy qualities. But along with those qualities, very rarely does a Capricorn behave in a rude and undisciplined manner. Such a behavior on the part of the Goat astonishes his/her friends and associates. more..
The dynamics of our lives can be better understood by interpreting and understanding the astrological patterns and symbols in our astrological charts. These astrological charts are known as the Birth Charts. more..
Scorpio is believed to be one of the most powerful signs in the zodiac cycle. Get a career profile of the Scorpio astrology sign. Know the popular professions suitable for this sun sign. more..
Cancer zodiac sign rules over the breasts, elbows and the gastric regions. Cancer people are prone to stomach ailments and digestive problems like gastric, ulcers, nausea and the like. more..
Astrology is the study of correlation between planetary positions & movements of planets, stars & other celestial bodies. Astrology can be used as a powerful and fun tool for understanding ourselves, others, and the world around us. more..
Scorpions are mostly found in good health at least outwardly. Health is Wealth, so resolute Scorpions are requested to take care of their health issues with a little more attention this year. more..
The way we express our feelings, our emotions and also our instincts are all indicated by the Moon. In brief, our hidden feelings and emotions are represented by the Moon. more..
Astrologers believed that planets had a direct influence on the lives of people and it represents the basic urges. These planets also exert influence on the people based on their position in the zodiac signs. more..
Vedic astrology includes some important charts like Sudarshan Chakra, Kota (Durga) Chakra that can predict the misfortunes & ill health in a person’s life based on the planetary positions in one’s birth chart. Read this article today. more..
As per the Hindu myth and astrology, there are nine planets that affect our terrestrial phenomena. Vedic astrology or Hindu astrology has been derived from the Vedas – the prime Hindu text of philosophy. more..
The Celtic form of astrology, also known as Druid astrology originated around 1000 B.C. Each of the Celtic Zodiac corresponds to a particular tree. The tree of the sign represents your characteristic traits. more..
Astrology is an excellent mix of art, craft and known as Astrology. It is the most ancient of all sciences and is popular across the universe. Pursuing astrology as a career option is experiencing a rising trend these days. more..
Animal zodiac systems are very popular all over the world. Let us take a look at some of the other popular animal astrology signs like Mayan, Celtic, Native American animal zodiac and other animal totems. more..
A person's horoscope or character description or the astrological birth chart is calculated by taking into account the exact birth date, time and place of the person. more..
Vargas is based on the assumption that planets increase or decrease in their capacity to produce good or inflict bad, in a horoscope, according to their particular positions within a sign. These divisions are known as Vargas or divisional charts. more..
The Mayan calendar is famous for the 2012 end of world predictions. Though the world did not end, Mayan astrology, tarot, numerology calculators are known for their accuracy throughout the world. more..