Cancer zodiac sign rules over the breasts, elbows and the gastric regions. Cancer people are prone to stomach ailments and digestive problems like gastric, ulcers, nausea and the like. more..
Retrograde planets are said to have a strong connection with your good and bad Karma. Know the effect of retrograde motion on your life and its corresponding Karmic effect. more..
Astrology is an excellent mix of art, craft and known as Astrology. It is the most ancient of all sciences and is popular across the universe. Pursuing astrology as a career option is experiencing a rising trend these days. more..
The allocation of sign rulership does not appear to be arbitrary. But still the planets and signs are related by what is known as sign rulership. Know more about planets as rulers for the 12 zodiac signs. more..
Mercury Retrograde in 2016 affects individuals in different ways depending on various aspects of their birth chart and positions of planets in the 12 zodiac signs and houses during the time of the retrograde. more..
Like the Western, Vedic and Chinese astrology Egyptian astrology is also a much-talked-about branch of astrology. Egyptian Astrology is as ancient as the Sumerian and the Mesopotamian civilization itself. more..
What is Western astrology? What is the meaning of Zodiac Signs, Houses, Aspects, Decanates, Dignities and planetary positions? Read on to know more about the basics of Western or Tropical Astrology. more..
The concept of Maya is well linked to the Vedic astrology by the means of Arudha Lagna (Ascendant) and Arudha Pada. Arudha Lagna deals with how you are seen by others and your physical possessions. more..
Dasha calculator are online astrology tools that find the planetary periods or Dashas in the birth chart of an individual. Know more about the different planetary cycles and their effects. more..
Predictions related to personal and professional issues can be very expensive. For the purpose of finding out a genuine astrologer to help you out in times of crisis, the following things need to be noted. more..
Astrology horoscope analysis and forecast can help a person tremendously. Get to know your personality from different angles such as Tibetan zodiac, Roman, Aztec, Native American and African astrology. more..
Astrology is a science that compromises of foretelling of the regular movement of planets, the fortunes and misfortunes of men, fates of nation, earthquakes, plagues, volcanic eruptions and other incidents. more..
Vargas is based on the assumption that planets increase or decrease in their capacity to produce good or inflict bad, in a horoscope, according to their particular positions within a sign. These divisions are known as Vargas or divisional charts. more..
The four cardinal points in your birth chart (Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, Nadir) have a strong influence on various aspects of an individual’s life. more..
Aquarians love liberty, personal freedom and bossing over others. Their approach to life is very unconventional. The greatest problem with Aquarius is that they do not know where to stop. more..
Animal zodiac systems are very popular all over the world. Let us take a look at some of the other popular animal astrology signs like Mayan, Celtic, Native American animal zodiac and other animal totems. more..
Zodiac signs have always been an inevitable part of astrology. Each civilization and later each country has developed different forms of astrology signs. more..
The astrological chart or the natal chart of an individual illustrates the parent-child relationship. Parents can understand their children and this can assist them in parenting their kids throughout their life. more..