Horary astrology allows predictions in the sports field apart from the mundane predictions related to the various domains of life. This article gives an overview of the rules that need to be followed for the purpose of wining a game. more..
Know more about the Mayan animal - Xibkay (aka Lizard). What animal best describes you as per Mayan astrology? Find out what your Mayan animal zodiac sign is today. more..
The way we express our feelings, our emotions and also our instincts are all indicated by the Moon. In brief, our hidden feelings and emotions are represented by the Moon. more..
Mercury Retrograde in 2016 affects individuals in different ways depending on various aspects of their birth chart and positions of planets in the 12 zodiac signs and houses during the time of the retrograde. more..
Dasha calculator are online astrology tools that find the planetary periods or Dashas in the birth chart of an individual. Know more about the different planetary cycles and their effects. more..
The astrological chart or the natal chart of an individual illustrates the parent-child relationship. Parents can understand their children and this can assist them in parenting their kids throughout their life. more..
Political astrology deals with politics, the government and the political laws. Although it may sound surprising, but it is a fact, that certain countries have their astrologers prepare the nations’ astrological chart just like a person’s natal chart. more..
Zodiac signs are used almost by everyone. Most of the civilization assigned the names of Gods to the signs. But certain civilizations assigned the names of animals. Noteworthy are the Chinese Zodiac, Japanese and Burmese zodiac animal signs. more..
Zodiac signs have always been an inevitable part of astrology. Each civilization and later each country has developed different forms of astrology signs. more..
All humans experience deficiency or excess of certain constituent elements. It is very essential that we adjust and change our food habits and diet accordingly. more..