Pisces zodiac sign is sometimes described as 'the poet's sign'. In reality very few Pisces have turned out to be pure poets or vice versa. But there is definitely an element of vague dreaminess associated with some of the Pisceans. more..
The importance of the stars and planets in astrology is paramount. A person's desires and destiny, his fate and fortune, his success and failures are said to be affected by the planetary positions and movements. more..
The term Lagna or Ascendant means, the constellation which was rising at the eastern horizon at an individual’s place of birth and at his time of birth. The Rising Sign signifies the individual’s personal self and his physical body. more..
Zodiac signs are used almost by everyone. Most of the civilization assigned the names of Gods to the signs. But certain civilizations assigned the names of animals. Noteworthy are the Chinese Zodiac, Japanese and Burmese zodiac animal signs. more..
Vargas is based on the assumption that planets increase or decrease in their capacity to produce good or inflict bad, in a horoscope, according to their particular positions within a sign. These divisions are known as Vargas or divisional charts. more..
The term ‘sports astrology’ may sound unusual, is extremely relevant and highly pertinent to sports and games. Let’s understand the concept of the sports astrology first. more..
Education, as per the ancient ages, comprises the learning of the Vedas, Sastras, medicine, sciences, music and subjects related to economy. The following article discusses those auspicious moments related to education. more..
Muhurtha refers to the selection of auspicious times for every new event. Muhurtha means auspicious. In English, Muhurtha can be well interpreted as Election. more..
Aries have always been looked upon by astrologers as a symbol of a fiery and masculine personality. Keywords which best describe the Aries are: commanding, choleric and violent. more..
Stock Market astrology is one of the most popular implementation of astrology with respect to the real world. This article gives an overview on how the transits of the planets affect the stock market. more..
One’s personality mirrors through his or her fashion statements and stylization cloaked in secrecy, mystery and glamour Scorpions rule the fashion world as naturals. Free fashion horoscopes for 2016. more..
Scorpions are mostly found in good health at least outwardly. Health is Wealth, so resolute Scorpions are requested to take care of their health issues with a little more attention this year. more..
Some astrological systems have a remained a mystery to everyone. Even though they have been lost forever, the myth behind these zodiac signs is still present. Know more about Atlantis, Sabian, Galactic and Ophiuchus astrology. more..
Gorgeous and alien are the keywords, which best describes the kind of pets the Leo people prefer to keep. The Leo pets have to be elegant by nature but at the same time it should also possess a childish heart. more..
Almost everything needs to be 'weighed in the balance' for the pure Libran. Apart form the Librans, no other astrological sign has such a strong sense of balance, justice and fair play. more..
Aspects in astrology along with decanates and fixed star predictions explain your current and future life to a much greater extent. Read on to know more in detail about these advanced astrological predictions. more..
Cancer zodiac sign rules over the breasts, elbows and the gastric regions. Cancer people are prone to stomach ailments and digestive problems like gastric, ulcers, nausea and the like. more..