Some astrological systems have a remained a mystery to everyone. Even though they have been lost forever, the myth behind these zodiac signs is still present. Know more about Atlantis, Sabian, Galactic and Ophiuchus astrology. more..
Aquarians love liberty, personal freedom and bossing over others. Their approach to life is very unconventional. The greatest problem with Aquarius is that they do not know where to stop. more..
The term ‘sports astrology’ may sound unusual, is extremely relevant and highly pertinent to sports and games. Let’s understand the concept of the sports astrology first. more..
Astrological remedies are age old practices which have remained complicated as well as a mysterious practice even today. Yantra, Mantra and Tantra are the three main Vedic remedies. more..
Retrograde planets are said to have a strong connection with your good and bad Karma. Know the effect of retrograde motion on your life and its corresponding Karmic effect. more..
Mundane astrology deals with astrology predictions with respect to nations, current affairs, stock market, natural disasters and more. Know the basis behind this form of astrology forecasts. more..
Almost everything needs to be 'weighed in the balance' for the pure Libran. Apart form the Librans, no other astrological sign has such a strong sense of balance, justice and fair play. more..
The answering of questions in the light of planetary influences is popularly known as Horary Astrology. Know how effective it is in the case of buying and selling real estate. more..
Astral gemstones have effect on human beings to waive off the adverse effects from an individual’s life, provided the stones are real. Know more about the qualities and benefits of wearing powerful zodiac gemstones. more..
As per the Hindu myth and astrology, there are nine planets that affect our terrestrial phenomena. Vedic astrology or Hindu astrology has been derived from the Vedas – the prime Hindu text of philosophy. more..
Some keep pets for protection, some for companionship, while some others are just passionate about pets. This article gives an overview of the suitable pet for the first sign of the zodiac - the Aries. more..