Future So Bright
The 9 Romantic Love Numbers
Updated: July 31, 2012
Read: 12789 Times
In numerology, there are certain numbers, whose level of compatibility with some birth numbers is great. The combination of those birth and compatibility numbers creates an ideal match and assures a long lasting and a happy relationship.  more..
3 Most Popular Love Meters
Updated: March 29, 2013
Read: 12672 Times
The most popular love compatibility tests worldwide are the ones based on name, numerology and astrology. Know more about the accuracy of these love calculators from first-hand experience of users.  more..
Levels in Zodiac Compatibility
Updated: July 21, 2012
Read: 12217 Times
A relationship compatibility test helps one analyze his/ her relationships based on the planetary positions at the time of birth. This calculates the degree of compatibility between the partners at four basic levels.  more..
How Compatible Are You With Family And Friends?
Updated: February 12, 2013
Read: 12047 Times
Compatible relationship between zodiac signs is a very popular topic of discussion. Your sun sign plays a major role in finding your compatibility with your parents, siblings, friends and lover.  more..
Astrology Guide To Dating
Updated: July 25, 2012
Read: 10584 Times
Astrology dating is defined as the art of generating the results whether two people are the perfect match for each other or not. Astrologers read the natal charts of both the individuals & focus on the planetary positions at the time of birth.  more..
Effect Of Numbers On Your Relationship
Updated: August 6, 2012
Read: 9756 Times
Relationship Numerology helps you understand the internal relationship between the name and birth date of a person, and the external relationships a person would have with other people. It helps you assess the unfavorable nature of the numbers 2, 4, 8 and 9.  more..
5 Secrets For A Happy Relationship - I
Updated: November 28, 2012
Read: 9388 Times
A relationship can be long-lasting or die in a short time. Deduce the secret behind having a loving relationship and know more about the efforts you need to put in.  more..
Graphology and Lover
Updated: July 3, 2012
Read: 9161 Times
Know more about the kind of lover you are based on your handwriting. Understand your personality in a relationship with a graphology analysis.  more..
Numerology & Your Wedding Date – Part 2
Updated: June 7, 2013
Read: 8729 Times
This is the second part of the discussion on influence of lucky numerology numbers on our marriage date. In this article we discuss numbers five to nine.  more..
Sexual Aromatherapy For You
Updated: July 16, 2012
Read: 8339 Times
Love life and sexual activities can be controlled in a totally new way with just a few drops of the aromatic essential oils accompanied with imagination. Enhancing self confidence and self esteem are the prime focus of aromatherapy blends.  more..
5 Secrets For A Happy Relationship - II
Updated: November 28, 2012
Read: 8166 Times
A relationship has to be nurtured for it to work. Let’s continue with the secrets that make a relationship work or break.  more..