Aura may be defined as ‘a subtle invisible essence or fluid said to emanate from human and animal bodies, and even from things. It is usually seen as a luminous atmosphere around all living things, including what we regard as inanimate matter. more..
One of the most ideal and effective system of medication for the children and babies is Homeopathy. Homeopathy is said to work faster on children and can be used instead of allopathy. more..
The word 'Biorhythm' has been derived from the terms - 'Bio' meaning 'life' and 'Rhythm' meaning 'pertaining to the flow with regular movement'. Thus Biorhythm is our cyclic pattern of changes emotionally, physically and intellectually. more..
At different stages during pregnancy, aromatic treatment can prove to be useful and beneficial in a number of ways. Moreover, the application this therapeutic treatment is also very easy and simple. more..
Stress, strains, tensions and depression, all are part of our daily lives. But the question is can psychic powers and abilities help us cure depression? A concrete and a definite relationship exists between depression and the spiritual growth. more..
Naturopathy and holistic healing methods propose that treatment should not target the physical body needs, but also the psychological, spiritual and social needs of the body. Read about 3 popular alternative healing therapies. more..
Color usage and its underlying meaning reveal your race, caste, creed, gender, culture and even your age. Colors have tremendous influence on your work culture and way of doing business.Selecting the right colors should depend on the nature of your trade. more..
Will my child be a boy or a girl? The Chinese gender chart helps predict the sex of the newborn using ancient gender prediction calculations. Try this online baby gender predictor for yourself! more..
‘Anger’, the pronunciation of this word conjures up fearful and unpleasant images in our mind. Let us take a quick glance of what bodily changes take place, when the emotion of anger arouses us physically. more..
Career is something which concerns all human beings. This article gives an overview as to how the shapes of our hand palmistry reading can help us in determining our career. more..
Cosmic effect of gemstones can, to some extent, cure various kinds of diseases. Pills and medicines may or may not be available for the cure of such diseases. more..
Inferiority complex is the declining of an individual's own estimation of himself. A feeling of humbleness, misery gradually starts developing within him and he feels that he is left to live all alone in this big family. more..
Dreams are considered to be mirror of our sub-conscious mind. Dreaming of falling while walking, climbing down the stairs, from chairs, bed or from anywhere are quite common and not at all absurd in the world of dreams. more..
Yoga and its practices do not know any age. People from practically all age groups can practice and learn yoga. Yoga helps the elderly people to relax, prevent stiffness in the joints and attain mental awareness and alertness. more..
If you are sincerely interested in losing weight, then hypnotherapy or hypnosis is a good option for you. Practicing hypnosis, you will find weight management a much easier task than you could have probably imagined. more..
The term 'Occult' has been derived from the Latin word 'Occultus' which means hidden or unknown. Thus the word 'Occult' means the 'knowledge of the unknown.' It is one of the oldest known religions in the world. more..
Guardian angels and angel numbers are your spirit guides in this world. Find out who your guardian angels are and what messages they have for you. more..
As per Feng Shui principles, the size of the garden is not a very important factor. Your garden is the Yin factor and your home the Yang. So the overall effect should be such, so as to balance the Yin yang factor. more..
A personality test shows the kinds of person you are.Try this fun tests like the color personality test, masculine feminine quiz and desert test today and understand yourself better! more..
Anxiety is an exaggerated tension, with several common side effects. Anxiety is basically a psychological effect, although certain physical illnesses such as epilepsy or cardiac troubles do cause anxiety. more..