As per Feng Shui principles, the size of the garden is not a very important factor. Your garden is the Yin factor and your home the Yang. So the overall effect should be such, so as to balance the Yin yang factor. more..
Have you ever wanted to create the perfect, relaxing environment for your home? Somewhere that will welcome you and all that inhabit it? Well then Feng Shui is a definite for you! more..
Yoga and its practices do not know any age. People from practically all age groups can practice and learn yoga. Yoga helps the elderly people to relax, prevent stiffness in the joints and attain mental awareness and alertness. more..
Feng Shui - the Chinese art of interior decoration examines the how the placement of things and objects affects the energy flow. Career and finance is something about which everybody is concerned about. more..
A large number of infants are also born psychics. Indigo or psychic children are more sensitive than their contemporaries. Parents need to understand their needs and nurture them carefully. more..
A successful method of communicating with the sub conscious mind is through Subliminal Messages. Find out how subliminal messaging can change your life. more..
Kundalini awakening is the process in which a person by means of yoga and other mind control exercises raises the coiled Kundalini Shakti from Muladhara chakra to Sahasrara chakra at the top. more..
This article is in no way intended to prove which one between psychotherapist and psychologist is better and more effective. Since both the methods of psychological healing have their individual way of treatment and medication. more..