What is Western astrology? What is the meaning of Zodiac Signs, Houses, Aspects, Decanates, Dignities and planetary positions? Read on to know more about the basics of Western or Tropical Astrology. more..
Fortune telling has been practiced in different forms since ancient times. Let us look at some uncommon forms of divination like solistry (feet divination), arithmancy (using numbers) and telesthesia (itching) . more..
The astrology birth chart (Rashi Chart) and the Bhava Chart in Vedic astrology are the basis on which an astrologer can predict a person’s future. An online astrology analysis of your birth chart (Janam Kundali) gives a clear insight into your future. more..
Pisces zodiac sign is sometimes described as 'the poet's sign'. In reality very few Pisces have turned out to be pure poets or vice versa. But there is definitely an element of vague dreaminess associated with some of the Pisceans. more..
Certain numbers are repeated in your name while others are missing. Karmic lessons are indicated when one or more of such one single digit numbers are missing. more..
Love, relations and marriage in general are very sensitive and personal issues for all human beings. Tarot cards for love and life can provide answers on your relationships, romance, marriage, sexuality and compatibility. more..
Scorpio star sign is believed to be one of the most powerful zodiac signs. The keywords that describe a Scorpio the best are 'forceful' and 'dynamic'. The Scorpios are basically intense and powerful. more..
If you are sincerely interested in losing weight, then hypnotherapy or hypnosis is a good option for you. Practicing hypnosis, you will find weight management a much easier task than you could have probably imagined. more..
The Virgins or people of the Virgo zodiac sign are famous for their intelligence, precision and an insistence on 'doing it right'. There is an emphasis on techniques, which makes the Virgo's approach to life almost chilling. more..
The Enneagram describes the nine different ways of relating in intimacy and business. The nine personalities are part of a human development model called the ‘Enneagram’. more..
It is the clock, the elements and the animal signs that determine your level of compatibility based on the concepts of Chinese Astrology. Compatible animal signs and their universal elements that form the 'triangles of compatibility'. more..
The Taurus zodiac sign people tend to be earthy – ‘slow but steady and sure’. The bullishness can under extreme pressure be expressed in violent outbursts of rage and anger. more..
Business name or Company name is the tag by which it is recognized. It reveals the nature of the product dealt with and more importantly, if the right business name along with its right image is chosen, then success is inevitable! more..
While determining a personality of a person, Japanese people follow the blood type test. Even a love compatibility analysis can be done on the basis of blood types of partners. more..
A personality test shows the kinds of person you are.Try this fun tests like the color personality test, masculine feminine quiz and desert test today and understand yourself better! more..
The Christian Bible has long been used in astrology and fortune telling. Know more about Biblical astrology, Bibliomancy or Bible Divination and the 12 Apostles for the zodiac signs. more..
Alternative healing techniques have been used since the ancient ages. Read on to know more about some of the holistic healing methods like reflexology, music therapy, crystal healing, herbal healing and Ayurveda treatments. more..
Tantric numerology is one of the most perfect ways to understand your Psyche. It helps you in your quest for understanding the meaning of your existence in this world. more..
Naturopathy and holistic healing methods propose that treatment should not target the physical body needs, but also the psychological, spiritual and social needs of the body. Read about 3 popular alternative healing therapies. more..
The concept of Maya is well linked to the Vedic astrology by the means of Arudha Lagna (Ascendant) and Arudha Pada. Arudha Lagna deals with how you are seen by others and your physical possessions. more..