Future So Bright
Aries - The Ram - Zodiac Personality
Updated: July 6, 2012
Read: 9688 Times
Aries have always been looked upon by astrologers as a symbol of a fiery and masculine personality. Keywords which best describe the Aries are: commanding, choleric and violent.  more..
Human Psychology And Anxiety
Updated: July 6, 2012
Read: 8541 Times
Anxiety is an exaggerated tension, with several common side effects. Anxiety is basically a psychological effect, although certain physical illnesses such as epilepsy or cardiac troubles do cause anxiety.  more..
Yoga For Elderly People
Updated: July 6, 2012
Read: 9329 Times
Yoga and its practices do not know any age. People from practically all age groups can practice and learn yoga. Yoga helps the elderly people to relax, prevent stiffness in the joints and attain mental awareness and alertness.  more..
Finding Your Ascendant Sign
Updated: July 5, 2012
Read: 10526 Times
An important astrological factor is the ‘rising sign’, i.e. the sign of the zodiac that is on the horizon at the time of birth. Along with the sun sign the ascendant too determines our personality.  more..
The Planetary Rulers - Sign Rulership
Updated: July 5, 2012
Read: 8505 Times
The allocation of sign rulership does not appear to be arbitrary. But still the planets and signs are related by what is known as sign rulership. Know more about planets as rulers for the 12 zodiac signs.  more..
Pregnancy Made Easy With Meditation
Updated: July 5, 2012
Read: 10087 Times
Pregnancy brings along with it a host of emotions. This article gives an overview of the need of meditation during pregnancy. Whatever we do with great concentration and awareness is Meditation.  more..
Daily Biorhythms - Emotional, Physical & Intellectual
Updated: July 5, 2012
Read: 7725 Times
The word 'Biorhythm' has been derived from the terms - 'Bio' meaning 'life' and 'Rhythm' meaning 'pertaining to the flow with regular movement'. Thus Biorhythm is our cyclic pattern of changes emotionally, physically and intellectually.  more..
Types of Clairvoyance Abilities
Updated: July 5, 2012
Read: 18484 Times
The ability to perceive information without the use of the five human senses is known as Clairvoyance. Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience are forms of ESP Ability to see, hear & feel an object or an event by psychic means.  more..
Use Your Psychic Abilities To Cure Depression
Updated: July 5, 2012
Read: 8214 Times
Stress, strains, tensions and depression, all are part of our daily lives. But the question is can psychic powers and abilities help us cure depression? A concrete and a definite relationship exists between depression and the spiritual growth.  more..
Effect Of Colors On Business
Updated: July 5, 2012
Read: 17494 Times
Color usage and its underlying meaning reveal your race, caste, creed, gender, culture and even your age. Colors have tremendous influence on your work culture and way of doing business.Selecting the right colors should depend on the nature of your trade.  more..
Reduce Stress With Reflexology
Updated: July 5, 2012
Read: 9887 Times
Reflexology is the knowledge of the theory and practice of stimulation of the reflex points in the feet for the purpose of tapping the life force called the 'prana' in the body for healing itself.  more..
Horoscope Chart For Females
Updated: July 5, 2012
Read: 13376 Times
Some of the ancient writers held that even if the horoscopes of a woman indicate any Raja Yogas – like bestowing political power. A study of the female horoscopy will be of immense interest in view of the rapid advancement that women are making.  more..
Birth Chart - The Astrological Chart
Updated: July 5, 2012
Read: 21456 Times
The dynamics of our lives can be better understood by interpreting and understanding the astrological patterns and symbols in our astrological charts. These astrological charts are known as the Birth Charts.  more..
Introduction To Runes Reading
Updated: July 4, 2012
Read: 6690 Times
In order to read the Runes, it is very important to know the meaning of the runes deck. Know more about what goes into a runes reading like the spreads, layouts, cards meanings and positions.  more..
4 Aura Healing Techniques
Updated: July 4, 2012
Read: 9745 Times
Aura may be defined as ‘a subtle invisible essence or fluid said to emanate from human and animal bodies, and even from things. It is usually seen as a luminous atmosphere around all living things, including what we regard as inanimate matter.  more..
Compatible Chinese Zodiac Signs
Updated: July 4, 2012
Read: 20667 Times
Compatibility is the prime word in a relationship. The Chinese believe that compatibility in a relationship is the best between couples who are born four years apart.  more..
What’s Your Personal Address Numerology
Updated: July 3, 2012
Read: 7491 Times
Our home address numbers, which is commonly known as Personal Address Number can be used to indicate your hopes, dreams and desires. It also indicates the type of energies and qualities you have within you.  more..
Parenting A Psychic Or Indigo Child
Updated: July 3, 2012
Read: 8545 Times
A large number of infants are also born psychics. Indigo or psychic children are more sensitive than their contemporaries. Parents need to understand their needs and nurture them carefully.  more..
Top 10 Benefits Of Yoga And Meditation
Updated: July 3, 2012
Read: 12127 Times
Yoga is the new mantra for fitness and health. The techniques of yoga need to be followed meticulously in order to achieve good health, stay fit and reach your goals.  more..
Luck And Feng Shui Kua Number
Updated: July 3, 2012
Read: 13451 Times
The Kua or Gua number for a person helps one analyze his destiny and defines his auspicious and inauspicious directions as well as personal colors to wear and avoid for these particular directions.  more..