Scorpio star sign is believed to be one of the most powerful zodiac signs. The keywords that describe a Scorpio the best are 'forceful' and 'dynamic'. The Scorpios are basically intense and powerful. more..
Almost everything needs to be 'weighed in the balance' for the pure Libran. Apart form the Librans, no other astrological sign has such a strong sense of balance, justice and fair play. more..
The term Lagna or Ascendant means, the constellation which was rising at the eastern horizon at an individual’s place of birth and at his time of birth. The Rising Sign signifies the individual’s personal self and his physical body. more..
Adolf Hitler was born in the cusp of Aries and Taurus zodiac signs. Find out how astrology can influence the personality of an individual throughout his lifetime. more..
In numerology, there are certain numbers, whose level of compatibility with some birth numbers is great. The combination of those birth and compatibility numbers creates an ideal match and assures a long lasting and a happy relationship. more..
Goals and attitude are very closely related to each other.
The role of attitude in achieving goals cannot however, be underestimated. Goals without a positive attitude are not goals at all. more..
The term 'Occult' has been derived from the Latin word 'Occultus' which means hidden or unknown. Thus the word 'Occult' means the 'knowledge of the unknown.' It is one of the oldest known religions in the world. more..
The most popular love compatibility tests worldwide are the ones based on name, numerology and astrology. Know more about the accuracy of these love calculators from first-hand experience of users. more..
Obesity, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cancer, Depression are some of the modern lifestyle diseases in today’s world. Read on to know more about the causes and effects of such life threatening illnesses in 2017. more..
The 2017 Chinese Sheep horoscope is here! Know what good fortune awaits you this year. Find out which areas of your life will prosper in 2017 with a free online Chinese Zodiac prediction. more..
Astral gemstones have effect on human beings to waive off the adverse effects from an individual’s life, provided the stones are real. Know more about the qualities and benefits of wearing powerful zodiac gemstones. more..
Careful study on the subject of travel for various purposes has been framed under sound astrological rules for the guidance of humanity. This article gives an overview of the essential astrological principles governing travel. more..
Life path number reveals your personality at birth, and also points out those characteristics, which you are likely to possess in your entire lifetime. It also refers to your native in-born qualities that would accompany you throughout your life. more..
A relationship compatibility test helps one analyze his/ her relationships based on the planetary positions at the time of birth. This calculates the degree of compatibility between the partners at four basic levels. more..
Yoga is the new mantra for fitness and health. The techniques of yoga need to be followed meticulously in order to achieve good health, stay fit and reach your goals. more..
Medical astrology is a vast branch of astrology. This article highlights the fact that diseases like diabetes too, can be predicted based upon the planetary positions in your chart. more..
Vargas is based on the assumption that planets increase or decrease in their capacity to produce good or inflict bad, in a horoscope, according to their particular positions within a sign. These divisions are known as Vargas or divisional charts. more..
Compatible relationship between zodiac signs is a very popular topic of discussion. Your sun sign plays a major role in finding your compatibility with your parents, siblings, friends and lover. more..
Everybody craves for success in his field of work. Hard work is definitely the key to success complemented with a strong will power. Thus, how to develop the will-power stands out to be one of the most fundamental question these days. more..