Dreams are considered to be mirror of our sub-conscious mind. Dreaming of falling while walking, climbing down the stairs, from chairs, bed or from anywhere are quite common and not at all absurd in the world of dreams. more..
Aries have always been looked upon by astrologers as a symbol of a fiery and masculine personality. Keywords which best describe the Aries are: commanding, choleric and violent. more..
January 2017 Sagittarius astrology predicts that the Sagittarians will face a tough time in the beginning of 2017, but by the end of the month things will get better. You may need to give some extra time to your family and balance your work accordingly. more..
‘Anger’, the pronunciation of this word conjures up fearful and unpleasant images in our mind. Let us take a quick glance of what bodily changes take place, when the emotion of anger arouses us physically. more..
The pure Capricorn has many earthy qualities. But along with those qualities, very rarely does a Capricorn behave in a rude and undisciplined manner. Such a behavior on the part of the Goat astonishes his/her friends and associates. more..
Fortune telling has been practiced in different forms since ancient times. Let us look at some uncommon forms of divination like solistry (feet divination), arithmancy (using numbers) and telesthesia (itching) . more..
Naturopathy and holistic healing methods propose that treatment should not target the physical body needs, but also the psychological, spiritual and social needs of the body. Read about 3 popular alternative healing therapies. more..
The concept of Maya is well linked to the Vedic astrology by the means of Arudha Lagna (Ascendant) and Arudha Pada. Arudha Lagna deals with how you are seen by others and your physical possessions. more..
A relationship can be long-lasting or die in a short time. Deduce the secret behind having a loving relationship and know more about the efforts you need to put in. more..
Yoga and its practices do not know any age. People from practically all age groups can practice and learn yoga. Yoga helps the elderly people to relax, prevent stiffness in the joints and attain mental awareness and alertness. more..
All humans experience deficiency or excess of certain constituent elements. It is very essential that we adjust and change our food habits and diet accordingly. more..
One of the best known and approved methods of alternative healing is Crystal Healing. It is an age old belief that crystals possess certain properties and energies which are good for human health. more..
The pure Leo is well known for his/her strong commanding personality and thus always stands out in the crowd. He/she either dominates or, if resisted endeavors to dominate, not being afraid to try a little bullying. more..
Acnes are types of skin diseases caused by the blockage of the skin pores. If you are looking for an effective and a long lasting acne treatment, then aromatherapy and the essential oils are possibly the best solutions for you. more..
Have you ever wanted to create the perfect, relaxing environment for your home? Somewhere that will welcome you and all that inhabit it? Well then Feng Shui is a definite for you! more..
The Enneagram describes the nine different ways of relating in intimacy and business. The nine personalities are part of a human development model called the ‘Enneagram’. more..
People have since long adopted many alternative medicine methods and practice some self help techniques such as reflexology, crystal healing, Panch Tatva, music therapy, hypnosis, yoga and meditation. more..