Different fortune telling methods using psychic abilities have been in use since ancient times. Know more about Tarot reading, psychic, aura readings, crystallomancy and Chinese fortune telling methods like Kau Cim and more. more..
People choose lucky numbers, numbers that are believed to bring luck, while choosing their license plate number, while choosing a home and also in mobile numbers. Read more to know about the effect of numbers. more..
A relationship compatibility test helps one analyze his/ her relationships based on the planetary positions at the time of birth. This calculates the degree of compatibility between the partners at four basic levels. more..
Horary astrology allows predictions in the sports field apart from the mundane predictions related to the various domains of life. This article gives an overview of the rules that need to be followed for the purpose of wining a game. more..
Cosmic effect of gemstones can, to some extent, cure various kinds of diseases. Pills and medicines may or may not be available for the cure of such diseases. more..
2016 The Year of the Green Wood Horse is extremely lucky for people of the Chinese zodiac horse sign. Find out how life will treat you in 2016 according to Chinese Astrology forecasts. more..
Love life and sexual activities can be controlled in a totally new way with just a few drops of the aromatic essential oils accompanied with imagination. Enhancing self confidence and self esteem are the prime focus of aromatherapy blends. more..
Career is something which concerns all human beings. This article gives an overview as to how the shapes of our hand palmistry reading can help us in determining our career. more..
Pagan and the Wiccan community too have their own religious festivals, rites and rituals. Pagan Gods and goddesses played an important role in the lives of people who follow this path. more..
Compatibility is the prime word in a relationship. The Chinese believe that compatibility in a relationship is the best between couples who are born four years apart. more..
Careful study on the subject of travel for various purposes has been framed under sound astrological rules for the guidance of humanity. This article gives an overview of the essential astrological principles governing travel. more..
According to Feng Shui, the upper right corner of your home represents the marriage corner. This article aims to give an overview on the ways of enhancing the flow of energy in your marriage corner. more..
The word 'Lo' means river and the term 'Shu' indicate books. Different Lo Shu numbers indicates different directions which are believed to be auspicious. The Lo Shu grid is created on the basis of the date of birth of an individual. more..
January 2017 Horoscope for Aries forecasts that this will be a busy month for the Aries. You need to relax and take developments with an open mind. There will be good fortune as well as some difficult times. more..
Predictions related to personal and professional issues can be very expensive. For the purpose of finding out a genuine astrologer to help you out in times of crisis, the following things need to be noted. more..
2017 Pisces Horoscope predictions show a gradual growth for Pisceans. People of Pisces zodiac sign can look forward to a lot of good transformations in the coming year. more..
Human dreams are basically of 3 types viz. spiritual, subjective and physical. Know how these dreams influence your life and can make future predictions. more..
There are no hard and fast rules in finding out whether a particular psychic has legitimate tarot card reading skills or is a fraud. Find out more.... more..
The word 'Biorhythm' has been derived from the terms - 'Bio' meaning 'life' and 'Rhythm' meaning 'pertaining to the flow with regular movement'. Thus Biorhythm is our cyclic pattern of changes emotionally, physically and intellectually. more..