Dreams are considered to be a mirror of our sub-conscious mind - our inner soul. As dreams are related to reality, so it is very necessary that we understand and interpret the meaning of the dreams. more..
Get free love horoscopes for 2017 for all the 12 zodiac signs in seconds! Know how compatible you will be in your relationship with your partner or spouse. more..
Numerology is a popular form of metaphysical science that deals with future prediction. The most common numerology systems like Chaldean, Pythagoras, Kabbalah and Indian numerology calculations are discussed in this article. more..
All humans experience deficiency or excess of certain constituent elements. It is very essential that we adjust and change our food habits and diet accordingly. more..
2016 Pisces career horoscope predicts that people of this sun sign will have to deal with new responsibilities. Go ahead, for success and promotions are all set to become yours! more..
Compatibility is the prime word in a relationship. The Chinese believe that compatibility in a relationship is the best between couples who are born four years apart. more..
Numerology deals with numbers from 1 to 9. Numbers relate to a pattern of energies, vibrations & geometry. The bad, good and the information about previous birth and the effects of previous in present birth of a human being can be known. more..
The importance of the stars and planets in astrology is paramount. A person's desires and destiny, his fate and fortune, his success and failures are said to be affected by the planetary positions and movements. more..
Scorpio is believed to be one of the most powerful signs in the zodiac cycle. Get a career profile of the Scorpio astrology sign. Know the popular professions suitable for this sun sign. more..
The pure Leo is well known for his/her strong commanding personality and thus always stands out in the crowd. He/she either dominates or, if resisted endeavors to dominate, not being afraid to try a little bullying. more..
2017 Aries horoscope predictions give you an insightful look into different areas of your life like love, health, career, finance, family and travel in 2017 more..
Having doubts if you and your partner are compatible with each other? Why not check out and assess the compatibility of your relationship through the help of numerology. more..
Medical astrology is a vast branch of astrology. This article highlights the fact that diseases like diabetes too, can be predicted based upon the planetary positions in your chart. more..
The free Libra January 2017 horoscope predicts that Librans will need to be patient in their dealings and put in extra effort on the personal front. Positive attitude and focus is required to solve all issues on hand. more..
Numerology plays a big role in figuring out a person's destiny. You can choose an auspicious name for your little one with the help of numbers that portrays a combination of all the positive & negative characteristics traits of your baby. more..
Gemini horoscope for health 2016 predicts ailments of the mind and respiratory infections. Get your free 2016 well-being astrology report to know more. more..
This article is a continuation of the discussion on birthstones for the 12 months in a year. Read on to know more about the birthstones for the months from July to December. more..