Since ancient ages people have been using healing with herbal treatments, acupuncture, yoga & meditation, massages, energy therapies etc. which are the common alternative medicines. more..
Anxiety is an exaggerated tension, with several common side effects. Anxiety is basically a psychological effect, although certain physical illnesses such as epilepsy or cardiac troubles do cause anxiety. more..
Tarot cards have correspondence to astrology, numerology, I Ching, Colors and Runes. Find out how these fortune telling cards are related to different forms of divination. more..
Love, relations and marriage in general are very sensitive and personal issues for all human beings. Tarot cards for love and life can provide answers on your relationships, romance, marriage, sexuality and compatibility. more..
2017 Gemini astrological predictions give you an idea of how the new year will be for you in everything that matters in your life. Will you have a smooth year or a difficult one? more..
Gemini horoscope prediction for January 2017 says this will be a month of vigor and action for the Gemini zodiac sign. You will need to be a leader if you wish to be in a commanding position. more..
The psychological nature of the pure Cancer is rather like the physical nature of the crab - a hard outer shell conceals an inner interior that is soft and vulnerable to injury. Know the Cancerians better. more..
The term Lagna or Ascendant means, the constellation which was rising at the eastern horizon at an individual’s place of birth and at his time of birth. The Rising Sign signifies the individual’s personal self and his physical body. more..
2017 January horoscope for Cancer zodiac forecasts that this will be a month of multi-tasking. You will have to put in extra effort to fulfill your commitments. This will be a testing time for career, health, love, relationships and marriage. more..
Compatible relationship between zodiac signs is a very popular topic of discussion. Your sun sign plays a major role in finding your compatibility with your parents, siblings, friends and lover. more..
Fortune telling using different kinds of cards has been very popular since ancient times. Tarot is the most popular in card divination. Fortune Tellers also use playing cards, Spanish La Baraja cards, Mdme Lenormand deck and the Gong Hee Fot Choy form of divination to predict fortunes. more..
Chakras or the centres of life force when related with forms of esoteric divination like Runes, Tarot cards and Kabbalah, can provide immense knowledge about your personal wellbeing. more..
The Tarot deck has been used since time immemorial for revealing the hidden truths. But before attempting to read the tarot deck and predicting the future, it is very necessary to learn tarot reading. more..
Numerology can you help you find that lucky date for the perfect wedding. Read on to know how the love numbers from 1 – 4 in a numerology reading can influence your married life in this article. more..
Cancer 2017 horoscopes foretell about the coming year. Find out if this year will be good or bad for you when it comes to love, family, health, career and finance. more..
The Chinese Rabbit zodiac sign will have to struggle quite a bit in 2017 according to the Chinese horoscope. Read on to get a detailed prediction. more..
Reflexology is the knowledge of the theory and practice of stimulation of the reflex points in the feet for the purpose of tapping the life force called the 'prana' in the body for healing itself. more..
Our home address numbers, which is commonly known as Personal Address Number can be used to indicate your hopes, dreams and desires. It also indicates the type of energies and qualities you have within you. more..