Pagan and the Wiccan community too have their own religious festivals, rites and rituals. Pagan Gods and goddesses played an important role in the lives of people who follow this path. more..
Aquarians love liberty, personal freedom and bossing over others. Their approach to life is very unconventional. The greatest problem with Aquarius is that they do not know where to stop. more..
Hair loss is a persistent problem for men and women. Aromatherapy and its essential oils are one of the safest and the most effective methods to treat temporary hair loss resulting from 'alopecia areata'. more..
Compatibility and love are synonymous terms. Love depends much on the manner how the two persons involved in a particular relationship get along with each other. more..
There are no hard and fast rules in finding out whether a particular psychic has legitimate tarot card reading skills or is a fraud. Find out more.... more..
Feng Shui - the Chinese art of interior decoration examines the how the placement of things and objects affects the energy flow. Career and finance is something about which everybody is concerned about. more..
In January 2017 Aquarians will be full of life and zeal predicts the monthly Aquarius horoscope. Your vigor and liveliness will be infectious. You will be successful in fulfilling your obligations to others. more..
Dreams are considered to be a mirror of our sub-conscious mind - our inner soul. As dreams are related to reality, so it is very necessary that we understand and interpret the meaning of the dreams. more..
Mind, the storehouse of our feelings and emotions, is very difficult, though not impossible for us to control. It takes a great deal of skill, alertness, sense of humor, goodness of heart, sense of strategy and patience to control the mind. more..
Inferiority complex is the declining of an individual's own estimation of himself. A feeling of humbleness, misery gradually starts developing within him and he feels that he is left to live all alone in this big family. more..
Anxiety is an exaggerated tension, with several common side effects. Anxiety is basically a psychological effect, although certain physical illnesses such as epilepsy or cardiac troubles do cause anxiety. more..
‘Anger’, the pronunciation of this word conjures up fearful and unpleasant images in our mind. Let us take a quick glance of what bodily changes take place, when the emotion of anger arouses us physically. more..
The Essence Cycle Number helps you obtain a fair idea about what may happen during the different periods of your lifespan. Each Essence Cycle Number has completely different characteristics. more..
As per Feng Shui principles, the size of the garden is not a very important factor. Your garden is the Yin factor and your home the Yang. So the overall effect should be such, so as to balance the Yin yang factor. more..
The term ‘sports astrology’ may sound unusual, is extremely relevant and highly pertinent to sports and games. Let’s understand the concept of the sports astrology first. more..
Career is something which concerns all human beings. This article gives an overview as to how the shapes of our hand palmistry reading can help us in determining our career. more..
Dreams are considered to be mirror of our sub-conscious mind. Dreaming of falling while walking, climbing down the stairs, from chairs, bed or from anywhere are quite common and not at all absurd in the world of dreams. more..
Moon Sign plays an important role in determining the degree of compatibility between two individuals. A Moon Sign Calculator lets you know your moon sign and that of your partner, your level of compatibility and much more. more..