Mercury Retrograde in 2016 affects individuals in different ways depending on various aspects of their birth chart and positions of planets in the 12 zodiac signs and houses during the time of the retrograde. more..
The Horse 2017 horoscope gives you detailed zodiac predictions for 2017 - Year of the Sheep for people under this Chinese astrology sign. Read on to know more! more..
What is Western astrology? What is the meaning of Zodiac Signs, Houses, Aspects, Decanates, Dignities and planetary positions? Read on to know more about the basics of Western or Tropical Astrology. more..
Sagittarius horoscope for May 2016 is right here! Sagittarius 2016 monthly horoscope predictions for love, health, career, money and family is available right here. Get a month by month detailed forecast for this zodiac sign. more..
Get free career horoscope predictions for the 12 zodiac signs for 2017, 2016 now! Find out what kind of professional satisfaction you will attain on the job. more..
2016 astrology predictions for the 12 zodiac signs! Read about how 2016 will be astrologically when it comes to family, career, health, love and money. more..
Naturopathy and holistic healing methods propose that treatment should not target the physical body needs, but also the psychological, spiritual and social needs of the body. Read about 3 popular alternative healing therapies. more..
Virgo astrology forecasts for 2017 predicts that this year could be simple and peaceful for the Virgoans. This is a period of planning and transformation. more..
Calculating the compatibility between couples using a horoscope or birth chart is one of the most accurate forms of relationship synastry. Learn how astrology compatibility can predict the match between two people based on the natal chart. more..
Chinese fortune telling for 2017 is an unique form of divination that includes Fortune Cookies, Gong Hee Fot Choy and Mahjong cards, Kau Cim sticks and Zi Wei Dou Shu or Purple Star predictions. more..
Mercury retrograde has both good and bad effects on individuals. Read on to know more about retrograde Mercury in 2016, 2017 can influence your life. more..
Ox astrology for the Year of the Sheep forecasts a year of important happenings that might change your life around. Find out how with the 2017 Ox horoscope. more..
The Year of the Green Wood Sheep is very lucky for people born under this same sign of goat. You will be successful and prosperous in all aspects of your life. more..
It is the clock, the elements and the animal signs that determine your level of compatibility based on the concepts of Chinese Astrology. Compatible animal signs and their universal elements that form the 'triangles of compatibility'. more..
Planets and transits have always been associated with the astrological predictions for good and bad fortunes. Find out about the influence of planetary transits of Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, & Uranus. more..