. The Expression or Destiny Number basically predicts what lies ahead of you in the calendar year ahead. This helps you to realize that every particular year has a specific energy, which should be effectively harnessed for your own welfare. more..
Chinese astrologers believe that the entire universe is based on numeric principles and calculations; as such numbers are of great significance. It is the name of your baby that is important for the new born as well as the couple. more..
Business name or Company name is the tag by which it is recognized. It reveals the nature of the product dealt with and more importantly, if the right business name along with its right image is chosen, then success is inevitable! more..
Our home address numbers, which is commonly known as Personal Address Number can be used to indicate your hopes, dreams and desires. It also indicates the type of energies and qualities you have within you. more..
Numerology plays a big role in figuring out a person's destiny. You can choose an auspicious name for your little one with the help of numbers that portrays a combination of all the positive & negative characteristics traits of your baby. more..